Puncture of the ear cartilage

Puncture of the ear cartilage
 Ear piercing - the most familiar type of piercing, the most banal and widespread. The main part of the female ear lobe piercings do at an early age. If you have enough of earrings on the lobes, select another form of body piercing - piercing cartilage or pinna.
 Lobe piercings and ear cartilage is the most common form of punctures own body, but in this case should be as careful as it is in this part there is a large number of biologically active points, which are directly related to the systems of the body and the various bodies. If you accidentally touch one of the centers, the results can be unpredictable.

Go to diagnose Folyu, with specialist with the device will determine the place, the number of locations of biologically active points, as well as their activity. The only way you will be sure to make the right choice, and the puncture site. Entrust holding cartilage ear piercing true professionals, who for many years engaged in the business and have no complaints and bad reviews. They are well aware of the location of the active points and choose a safe zone for piercing, spend less painful procedure and quickly.

Healing ears after a puncture lasts about two - five weeks, but sometimes it happens that it takes between six weeks and up to a year. But such a long healing is extremely rare, so do not worry and worry. Care for cartilage pierced is not difficult, you just wash it twice a day with antiseptic solutions ("Chlorhexidine", calendula tincture or saline).

Try not to touch the earring and certainly not injure even the healing of the cartilage of the ear. When ear piercing should know about keloids, which are growths in the thickness of the tissue in the form of pellets or hoops. They can be felt by palpation and as a result of infection occur or when using a pistol when piercing.

Rejection punctures ear cartilage almost never meet. This can occur if the puncture was made not so deep as to be as a result of this starts to be torn away earring. If the puncture site inflamed and started to fester, find out the cause. This may be the dirt that came from unwashed hands, made the wrong arm or lavage, injury can also cause inflammation.

Fight inflammation in the cartilage of the ear using antiseptic compresses the morning and evening, apply gauze soaked in the solution for two minutes to the damaged areas. The following antiseptic ointment "Levomekol", "tetracycline ointment." But they were soon used in advanced cases: when scarring or festering. If the inflammation persists for three days, remove the ring and let overgrown punctured place in the ear.

Tags: ear, ear piercing, piercing, cartilage, cartilage