No orange peel: hardware cosmetology against cellulite

No orange peel: hardware cosmetology against cellulite
 The number one enemy for most women - cellulite. This name has become a byword. What method is only beautiful half of humanity is struggling with this phenomenon. The most effective are still the methods of hardware cosmetology.
 Treacherous bumps of cellulite can appear every woman over 18 years old. If they do not fight, then a few years later in their place are formed folds and wrinkles.

This problem can and must be fought. Hardware cosmetology is ready to offer several effective methods for such a struggle. Unfortunately the use of simple creams at home will not give such a result, treatment with both apparatuses.

One of the methods of hardware cosmetology, which aims to eliminate cellulite - lymphatic drainage. He is a consistent rhythmic stimulation of muscles. This provides for the movement of lymph vessels and decongesting. The device produces pulsating waves at a certain frequency and stimulates the lymphatic system. To carry out such a procedure can be every six months course of 5-7 days.

The only method that acts directly on fat cells, is elektrolipoliz. The device works on Lipotonik dense body fat, contributing to the rapid splitting cells. This method speeds up the metabolism in fat cells (fat cells) and leads to gradual devastation. He copes even running cellulite.

Remarkable results are obtained and the use of ultrasound therapy with symptoms of cellulite. During the session there gipervibratsy spread throughout the body by means of an ultrasonic transducer. As a result of this effect increases the tone of the skin and improves the permeability of cell membranes. By the way, given the increased permeability, can be carried out parallel phonophoresis and saturate the skin collagen to increase turgor.

But the most unique properties has machine Cellu M6 LPG Keymodule. With it held vacuum device-roller massage. This improves drainage device stimulates circulation and tissues. Sessions of LPG leads to the fact that the phenomenon of cellulite eliminated naturally. This massage stimulates the activity of connective tissue with fat deposits, he leads her into a state of activity and accelerates the output of toxins.

Whichever way eliminate cellulite or woman elected in the first place requires detailed consultation by qualified specialists. It is necessary to find out whether there are contraindications to the chosen method, and then develop an individual course. Only in this case can be obtained from the expected effect of the measures.

Tags: fat, no cellulite, massage, peel, cosmetics, hardware, radiator, splitting, elektrolipoliz, gipervibratsiya, phonophoresis