Moisturizing and nourishing feet

Moisturizing and nourishing feet
 Every day, women take care of the skin: it is not applied moisturizing and nourishing products, special foams gently cleanse and scrub and try to do everything possible to keep her youth and beauty. But what about the skin on other parts of the body? After all, it is no less in need of constant care and feeding.

It just seems to be on his feet skin dries and becomes flabby! Female legs daily experiencing enormous stress associated with the constant wearing of tights, pants or warm synthetic clothes. Moreover, almost no foot skin sebaceous glands therefore or in dry weather the adverse influences, it rapidly loses moisture supply and even begins to flake. But do not worry, the legs can help!

Certainly after a shower or bath, lubricate the skin cream feet. If it's summer and you feel that the skin in this area does not need a strong power, enough light moisturizer. But in winter, due to the dry air and constant contact with warm clothing, essential fatty feet nourishing cream. Perfect for daily care lotion, cream or light body emulsion.

Special consideration should be taking care of the skin after hair removal legs. If you practice shaving, be sure to use a special foam or gel, designed for women. They include moisturizers and emollients that not only facilitate the sliding of the blade in the skin, but also to further nourish and moisturize it. After the procedure, be sure to apply a soothing healing foot cream. Can usually be nutritious, but it is better with a special cream labeled "aftershave". The fact that the blade is very traumatic for the skin, leaving a microscopic wounds and cuts, so after hair removal legs this way requires special care. Even if you use the appliance, after the procedure also apply a moisturizing and soothing cream. When the hairs are pulled out by the roots, in their place there is a small wound, which may cause severe irritation.

Once a week, the skin of the feet should be given even more attention and in addition to basic care to arrange her holiday nourishing and moisturizing mask. Give tone and elasticity to help chocolate and citrus, but you must first make sure that you are not allergic to them. Have a very good effect honey mask with milk or yogurt, as well as a mask on the basis of raw eggs and oatmeal. These skin-lightening ingredients, saving you from age spots and signs of fatigue. Masks should be maintained for 20-30 minutes, tightly wrapped with polyethylene legs and hot compress, and then gently rinse with warm, then cool water and apply a layer of nourishing cream.

If you think that this Foot care - an unnecessary luxury, you're wrong. Women just need to pamper yourself periodically to look perfect. Take care of your feet, they deserve to be beautiful and well groomed.

Tags: leather, foot mask, nutrition, care, moisturizing