How to restore tooth enamel

How to restore tooth enamel
 Tooth enamel is the thin, transparent and very hard tissue of the tooth. It covered the entire surface of the tooth and it is designed to protect the tooth from external forces, but over time it is exhausted, and the teeth start to hurt.  
 The composition of the enamel includes 97% of minerals, the bulk of which is accounted for phosphorus and calcium. Any damage to the enamel cause caries and consequently, the destruction of the tooth completely.

Tooth enamel, unfortunately, does not have regenerative properties, due to what it can be restored only by means of various dental procedures, which are based on treatment of the affected area of ​​the tooth and filling it with special artificial materials.

Fortunately, these methods today, there are many. And one of them - the local fluoridation dental solutions and varnishes that contain fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel, strengthen its resistance to acidic and inhibit bacterial growth.

There are two ways of fluorination: the applicator - in this case made of wax molds customized teeth, after which they are applied to the patient's teeth, and a method of applying a fluorine-containing varnish using a brush directly on the tooth surface.

Modern methods of restoring tooth enamel is the method of implantation enamel. Its essence is this: there is a connection dental implant and tissue at the cellular and molecular level. This approach ensures that the results remain virtually a lifetime. This method is still good and that thanks to him, you can change the color and shape of the teeth, to achieve occlusion, protect tooth enamel, which is extremely sensitive.

To your attention another rather interesting method of treatment that can saturate teeth phosphorus, fluorine and calcium during sleep. To this plate is applied to a special liquid medicine. She dressed to the teeth before going to bed and in the morning it should be removed.

It is important to consider the fact that self-restore enamel is almost impossible. However, you can pay attention to the prevention of this disease, and there is a certain percentage of what the right care for your teeth you can avoid the destruction of enamel.

You do not need to do a lot of effort. Simply using the dentifrice pastes containing calcium and fluoride. During the cleaning paste leave in the mouth for a short period of time for better absorption of these elements. Do not forget about proper nutrition. In your diet must include foods that contain vitamin D and calcium.

Tags: tooth, dental fluoridation