How to remove the stones on their feet

How to remove the stones on their feet
 Problem protruding bones on the feet, unfortunately, in one degree or another, familiar to so many people. Not only is the bone creates a lot of problems in the selection of shoes, they cause significant damage to health, which makes the question of getting rid of this scourge is very important.
 If you begin to notice that the bones in the foot begin to act more and more, and you began to concern pain in the feet, a visit to the podiatrist is better not to wait. First of all, the expert will determine exactly what caused the growth of bones, as well as to determine the stage of the disease. Depending on this, and will be selected by a method of getting rid of this disease.

At an early stage of bone can be removed with the help of physiotherapy, massage and physical therapy. Substantial assistance can substitute conventional orthopedic shoes on.

In the later stages of the disease, when non-surgical treatments are no longer applicable, the doctor may suggest surgically remove the stones. Unfortunately, in many hospitals patients still offer produce "cutting" the bones (removal of part of it). The method is very traumatic, requiring a long recovery and long wearing plaster on the operated leg.

Bone formation, usually on both feet at once, but the method of "cutting" to operate simultaneously with both feet is impossible - it would lead to the fact that the patient for a long time would have been deprived of the ability to move around. Therefore, when using this method of operation is carried out alternately, first on one foot, then - on the other. This greatly increases the time of treatment and the patient creates a great inconvenience. In addition, this operation removes the effect, not the cause of a bone growth. So often cases when it grows back quickly.

Much more gentle and effective method lies in the fact that the surgeon removes the very cause of the bone (weakening and properly position the muscles and ligaments of the foot). The doctor removes the violation occurred and forms the arch according to its correct anatomical form. Operation does not require general anesthesia, a low-impact and does not involve wearing of gypsum. Recovery from such manipulation occurs within two weeks. And, importantly, this way you can remove the bones on both legs at once. After this operation, subject to the relevant recommendations, the risk of recurrence of the bone is small, because it eliminates the very reason for its occurrence.

Tags: leg bone, the foot