How to remove a bone on the big toe

How to remove a bone on the big toe
 Protruding bone around the big toe is called differently. In common parlance - Spurs, cones, callus, in the medical community - valgus deformity of the first toe. From the name of this phenomenon its effects do not change - it not only looks unsightly, but can deliver very painful. There are several types of surgery, allowing escape of "bone".
 Reasons that may arise valgus deformity of the foot a few - that genetic predisposition, and arthritis, and polio, injuries of feet and legs, but the "trigger" many doctors call exclusively tight shoes with a narrow toe, even more aggravating factors - a high heel. And if in the early stages you can still somehow cope with conservative methods of treatment, than advanced disease, the more serious surgical intervention is required.

Restoring and comparison ligaments

In one "light" scenarios deformation begins to develop the disease due to the fact that the ligament of the thumb of one hand is too tight, and on the other, on the contrary, too loose. In this case, a fairly simple operation useknoveniya tissue on one hand and on the other capacity.


One of the most ineffectual types of surgery to remove the "bone spurs" - excision serving metatarsal head or ekzostektomiya. In very rare cases, removal of exostosis - the so-called osteochondral formation on the surface of the bone - leading to a final phase of developing the disease. As a rule, after some time, the "spur" grows back.


This operation differs from the previous extensive surgical intervention is excised is not only the head, but a fragment of the metatarsal bone and / or phalanges of the thumb. Osteotomy - the oldest surgery to correct valgus deformity, it was first held in 1925. Unlike ekzostektomii, during this operation the surgeon not only removes bone Tacna, but "rebuilds" the location of the seed to avoid strain in the future.


People with severe arthritis is a surgery called arthrodesis. During her joints are not only removed, but also a place of their connection is rigidly fixed and forever loses mobility.

Plastic metatarsophalangeal joint

One of the most modern solution to this problem - plastic metatarsophalangeal joint, when the deformed bone is replaced with an implant.

All of these operations, in the absence of other indications, performed under local anesthesia and takes at least 1 hour. Rehabilitation period of 6 weeks to 6 months.

Tags: leg, finger bone, spurs, removal, operation, stop, deformation