How to lighten the skin around the eyes

How to lighten the skin around the eyes
 Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes - a fairly common problem in cosmetology. The main reason for their appearance is a violation of lymphatic and venous drainage. When slowing down the speed of venous blood into the tissues of the skin gets carboxyhemoglobin - the pigment that colors the area around the eyes in bluish and yellowish tint.
 The effectiveness of the fight against dark circles around the eyes depends on the correct diagnosis. If you do not have bowel problems, heart or kidneys, you can try to solve the problem by using cosmetics.

Every morning, after washing the face is useful to massage. In this case, the lower eyelid massage your fingertips to light Tapping movements in the direction of the temple to the nose. Treatment time is about 2-3 minutes.

After the massage the skin around the eyes should be applied special creams or gels designed for removal of circles and swelling. Their composition usually includes components that improve the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid: nettle, horse chestnut, butcher and others. The funds are applied to the two-century trajectory from the temple to the nose.

After that, on the edge of the orbit in the same direction make some strong pressing movements for 1-2 minutes. This procedure increases the effects on the eye muscles, tones it and stimulates the flow of stagnant fluid in the tissues of the skin.

It must be remembered that all Tapping and pressing movements should be pointed and neat character. The skin around the eye at the same time should not move or stretch.

In addition to the morning's procedures for bleaching dark circles on the skin can additionally make masks, lotions and compresses. As a result of these procedures around the eyes becomes fresh and smooth appearance.

To prepare the herbal compresses contrast should take 1 tsp Chamomile (or dill) and fill it with ½ cup of boiling water. Then infused broth for 10 minutes, filtered and divided into 2 parts. One half is used in the cold, the other - in hot.

These packs recommended a day at bedtime for 10 minutes rate 1 month. They smooth out fine wrinkles, tone the skin and eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Among bleaching the skin around the eye mask is very popular raw grated potatoes. Wrap it in cheesecloth and place it on the eyelid skin for 10-15 minutes. This tool is used once a week course of 1, 5 months.

You can cook a meal from the roots of parsley. The mask is applied on the eyelids to third hour, and then washed with warm water. Used like raw potatoes.

Take 1 tsp parsley and rub it in a glass or porcelain dish. In the resulting mass add 2 tsp sour cream and apply the resulting mixture on the area around the eyes for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Mask is desirable to do every day for six weeks.

Eliminate dark circles under the eyes can be using white bread. Soak it in milk crumb and apply to the skin around the eyes. After 15-20 minutes, carefully remove the remnants of funds cloth. Apply the mask 3 times a week course of one month.

Tags: Eye, skin, mask, circle, dark, elimination