How to get rid of the oil lamp on the eyelid

How to get rid of the oil lamp on the eyelid
 Wen on the eyelids may appear suddenly and gradually increase in size. It is benign, which can get rid of their own (if they are small) or contact a beauty clinic.
 If you decide to remove wen yourself, take all measures for the disinfection of tools and material. Put on sterile medical gloves, take a thin needle (better to use a needle on the syringe), wipe it with alcohol or any other disinfectant solution.

Eyelid skin should also lubricate the antiseptic agent, wait until it dries and start the procedure. With one hand, stretch the skin on the eyelid, and the second quickly pierce wen, releasing the accumulated fluid in its cavity. Do not push the needle at him, trying to squeeze out any excess fluid and not poking around in the wound. Immediately dab it with a sterile cotton pad and prizhgite alcohol or disinfectant solution.

Once the wound is delayed, begin to soften and lubricate wen inflammatory ointment ("Levomekol", "tetracycline", etc.). This should be done daily to wen faster dissolved.

Do not attempt to remove a fatty tumor, cauterizing it with iodine or brilliant green - you can trigger inflammation. Also ineffective various ointments, compresses and rubbing improvised, herbal concoctions and corrosive substances. These methods do not affect the disappearance of the oil lamp.

If wen is located close to the edge of the eyelid, is large, and if you want to get rid of it safely, then make an appointment with a dermatologist in cosmetic clinics. The specialist will examine your tumors and decide on the method of disposal - single talc can be removed with a sterile needle, and a scattering of formations can be removed in one session using electrocautery.

Large talc appear on the eyelids quite rare, but if you have a just such, it will have to get rid of it by means of the operation. Under local anesthesia, surgeons will conduct excision of tissue, excess skin will be removed and, if necessary, impose the seams. You can hold in the hospital for a few days to determine the purity of education, as well as to oversee how to behave in a scar. If on-site removal Wen left the crust, it is not recommended to strip off, or wet combing since left its mark.

Tags: wen century