How to get rid of scars on legs

How to get rid of scars on legs
 Scars, wherever they may be, do not add beauty. And if for men public opinion and canons of beauty still loyal, the women can not expect mercy. So they toil in search of a miracle - the means of scars, especially on the legs - a source of pride of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
 The most effective remedy for scars laser resurfacing is considered. It is to eliminate scar microsites, after which there is a further education of young healthy skin. Under the action of laser scars gradually dissolve and disappear. Noticeable results can be seen after the first treatment. However, laser resurfacing - not a cheap pleasure. For example, in a Moscow hospital treatment of one square centimeter costs 1200 rubles.

Alternatively, try the ointment "Kontraktubeks." It helps both in small scar and severe scarring. When fresh scars need to rub cream several times a day. And when old, Hardened scars will be imposed effective overnight bandage impregnated with ointment. The course of treatment "Kontraktubeks" takes a long period - from 3 to 6 months.

Have not lost their relevance and folk remedies. For example, a good remedy for scars and keloids points on the feet and not only is badyaga. It is available as a cream or a bag with grass. Need to rub the cream once a day on leg wound site, and packets dilute hydrogen peroxide and applied to the scar three times daily in small amounts.

You can get rid of scars with the help of the Altai mummy. Apply it is recommended for the night and for convenience it can be mixed with baby cream. It is desirable to fly the mummies as a powder, as tablets, it is less efficient.

Another remedy for scars - mixed with honey nutmeg. For the preparation of ointments must take nutmeg and mix it with honey in the ratio of 1/5 to 4/5 nutmeg honey. Over time, the proportion of nut can be gradually increased to 2/3 and 1/3 walnut honey. Note that nutmeg can cause burns, so that it is necessary to be cautious. The resulting mixture was rub the skin for 5 minutes. After allow it to absorb into the skin for 20-30 minutes more, and then rinse. The course of treatment - two weeks. If there are no visible results, try other means.

Tags: leg, scar treatment