How to get rid of peeling scalp

How to get rid of peeling scalp
 Flaking of the scalp - is a natural process of getting rid of dead skin cells. If this phenomenon does not go beyond the norm, the person does not notice it. But excessive peeling we are talking about a serious problem that requires immediate removal.
 Cleanse the skin from dead cells, you can, with treatments with selenium, sulfur, zinc, tar.

Noticing the first signs of peeling, change shampoo. If this does not work, buy in a drugstore remedies to combat the fungus, which is the cause of dandruff. It occurs due to poor ecology, poor quality shampoos and other hair styling, suffering stress, lack of vitamins B6, B12, and F.

Hair comb only wooden comb. Do not wash your hair too hot water and do not use a hair dryer to dry the hair.

Enter in your diet enough fruits, vegetables, fish and cereals. Also eat walnuts and cheese. Every day, drink one glass of carrot juice. It is rich in vitamin A. To the scalp received the necessary hydration, drink more water, better mineral.

Do nourishing hair mask. For example, you can cook at home means to care for the scalp, which consists of two fresh eggs and 2 tbsp. l. water. Moisten the hair with warm water and apply the finished egg mixture down. Massage the skin thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. Egg mask will be useful for brittle, dry hair.

At night, be sure to rub into the scalp olive oil or linseed oil, pre-heating it. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo.

Take four lemons peel and cook. One hour will be enough to decoction prepared. Rinse them head after each wash. This tool will help to reliably protect your hair from dandruff.

Another great way to get rid of dandruff - a decoction of nettles. Daily rinse it means your hair, and after a few days you will forget about the existence of dandruff.

If the skin of the head, in spite of all your efforts, as before, continues to be shelled, consult your doctor. Otherwise offers burning, severe itching, dryness of the scalp.

Tags: skin care, peeling