How to get rid of cracks on the hands

How to get rid of cracks on the hands
 Women tend to dream of having a beautiful, well-groomed hands. But with age, the skin loses its elasticity, scaly, dry and crack. Crack (small breaks in the skin) that appear on the fingers - a frequent occurrence. Usually they are superficial and heal without leaving a trace.  
 It also happens that there are deep cracks and sometimes they become infected, there is inflammation, and it adds even more unpleasant and painful sensations.

The skin on the hands can crack for many reasons. The most common is frequent washing, laundry or contact with aggressive substances. Paint, tools for car care, detergent, changes in temperature, humidity no beneficial effect on the skin. Cracks may also be a consequence of eczema, hypovitaminosis, fungal diseases lack of vitamins in the body.

To prevent the formation of cracks on the fingers, avoid direct contact with paints, detergents, paints, soap, bleach, fertilizers and other "toxic reagents." Wear rubber gloves and protective hand cream.

If everything - still cracks appeared, then make a hot compress of potato. To do this, cook the potatoes in their skins several medium size. Clean them with a peel and mash thoroughly, that to get a puree. Prepared mashed put on gauze and wrap your hands. Hold this wrap up until sauce is hot. Then remove the compress, warm water, wash your hands and apply moisturizer. Make a compress on a daily basis until the crack is completely healed, and it is useful as a preventive measure.

Helps heal cracks and bath for hands. Take water in which potatoes are cooked (0, 5l), add 2 tbsp. spoons starch and the resulting solution was dip their hands and hold for 15 min. Then rinse your hands with cold water, put on the hand moisturizer. It is useful to do this procedure on a daily basis as a therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

If you do not like to cook masks, get in the drugstore cream with vitamin complex ("Elixir"). He cares, nourishes and protects the skin.

Curing cracks, not only benefit the local media, but also try to help the body overcome the disease. Make sure that in your diet as possible from B vitamin A, E and B.

Do not spare the time and effort to care for your hands, because they primarily show your age.

Tags: leather, hand cream, crack, care