How to get rid of calloused heels

How to get rid of calloused heels
 How nice to look at the soft pink heels baby, so soft, so smooth. Only with age, the skin on them becomes thicker and rougher. Sooner or later, without proper care hardened heels begin to deliver unpleasant moments. There are a few rules that will help to have healthy feet and heel intact. Care will take some time, but it's worth it.
 First of all, you need to stop to walk barefoot, because the skin is not protected by the feet from contact with the solid earth, stones, sand. Limit wearing open sandals especially with thin soles, they look wonderful, but the skin of feet dry and coarsens.

Avoid long standing, let's heels rest on the pressure of your weight. People with overweight have more problems with their feet, and, in particular, with heels. During such a load on the feet play an important role quality shoes, socks and insoles.

Regularly look after their feet, indulge their baths, pedicure, massage, creams, and they will thank you.

If you still could not avoid corns on her heels, or even cracks, it is necessary to take immediate action. You can certainly use the services of a beauty salon, but home remedies will also be effective.

The first thing to do is to steam all calluses and rough places. Make the feet warm bath. For example, with soda (1 tbsp. Spoonful of soda in 1.5 liters of water), you can make the tub with wheat bran or herbal decoction. Immerse the feet for 5-10 minutes, then using fine pumice or a special brush, rub hardened seats.

You can use special means to care for their feet, many cosmetic companies offer the whole series.

After the bath dry your feet dry and grease them some nourishing cream, you can even Vaseline. Wrap the foil and foot wear cotton socks. To do this, it is desirable for the night to compress remained on his feet for 6-8 hours. In the morning, remove, clean and lubricate the foot moisturizer. If this procedure repeated daily, you will soon heels as a baby.

If on the heels of cracks, it will need more time, and care needs to be more careful. Add to the normal daily procedure more treatment cycle of vegetable and essential oils. Many of them have both softening and wound-healing, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. So take vegetable oil (castor oil, peach, almond), add a few drops of essential oil (lavender, geranium) and after foot bath, apply this mixture on dry feet. Put socks on top of them can pull plastic bags, so that the oil does not stood out and did not get dirty, and rest a couple of hours. Can safely lie down, lifting your feet up. Make another protivovarikoznye and prevention. Remove the wrap, foot wash and brush cream.

The most important thing in the fight for a beautiful heel is regular care, show a little care and patience, and delicate heels are guaranteed.

Tags: leather, leg care