How to enlarge breasts without plastic

How to enlarge breasts without plastic
 Modern plastic surgery is capable of much. The owner of a small chest can get gorgeous breasts. However, it is expensive and not very safe for the health. Is it possible to enlarge breasts without surgery?
 Chest can enhance the visual, choosing the right bra. However, this does not affect the shape and size. But with the help of physical exercises can tighten the muscles of the chest and make a royal posture. Then tighten the breast skin will become more elastic. By strengthening and building the muscles of the chest can visually make breasts bigger and taller.

These exercises are very simple. Can perform them every woman.

Lie on your back, it is better to use the simulator bench. Feet should be on the floor. Pick up a dumbbell. Their weight must not exceed 1 kg. Throwing elbows, lift your hands up.

Roll over on your stomach. Legs pull. Take dumbbells and lower your arms so that the dumbbells touched the floor. Raise your arms to the sides, without bending them.

Stand up and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell in one hand. Lower the arm with a worsening down, then lift the breast, removing the elbow back. For this exercise, you can take a dumbbell weight of 2 kg. Repeat with the other arm.

Take dvuhkilogrammovy dumbbells in both hands. Palm up. Pull your hands to your shoulders. Bend your elbows.

Stand up against the wall, rest in her hands. Pressing, trying to touch the breast wall surface and strongly bending the back.

Do 5-6 repetitions for each exercise. Frequency of sessions - 3-4 times a week.

After performing complex, take a shower, you can contrast. Finish with cold water. Gently massage your breasts from the armpits to the nipples.

Cosmetics and dietary supplements can not make breasts bigger. In the best case can improve its tone and give skin smoothness. However, that's fine.

Confident woman is always attractive. Even if her breasts are not as great as she would like. The main thing - to love yourself, and with a smile look in the mirror.

Tags: breasts, plastic