Changing the shape of the eye

Changing the shape of the eye
 Sly stylists long taught women how to change the shape of the eyes in one motion: draw arrow genuine, and you can dress up in a Japanese national dress. And if need be, on the contrary, make Asians radical Europeans? Then passes the entire global manufacturing industry cosmetics. Mask slightly overhanging eyelid is not too much of a problem. But if to change the shape of the eye, requires more labor, time and cosmetics? That on this occasion offers us today plastic surgery, tell the women's magazine JustLady.

We have tried to collect as much information about what kinds of operations are available in modern clinics, which they can be achieved. Surgeons usually do not like to explain in detail the working methods and complex terms to the uninitiated, so understand the intricacies of not quite simple. Material on the Internet is also sometimes contradict each other in terms of what is done and how it is called. Still, try to understand.

Changing the eye shape Mongoloid type

After World War II a stream of Asians in European countries has increased significantly. This is understandable: people looking for the best conditions for life. For a start they wanted at least outwardly "merge" with the natives. It is at this time by the operationchange eye shape were, so to speak, put on the conveyor.

The main difference between Asian and European eyes, from the point of view of a plastic surgeon, is that the European has a double fold of the upper eyelid, and Asian - single. Here the point is that the muscle lifting the upper eyelid, the Europeans and Asians are mounted differently. It is this part and is adjusted forchanges of the cut Eye Mongoloid type.

Also eye-Asian type characteristic fold of skin at the inner corner of the eye, which is noticeably hanging. And the third feature - fat herniation in the upper eyelid, which are common in Asians, even at a young age.

Tochanges in eye shape the doctor removes excess skin and fat, for brighter changes sometimes rises bridge of the nose. Stitches in such cases are hidden in natural skin folds, and see them with the naked eye is almost impossible.

Changing the shape of the eye

Changing the shape of the eye

To change the shape of the eye attaching a plurality of ways. This can be endoscopic forehead lift, plastic correction of the eyebrows, blepharoplasty. Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired effect may need a whole range of plastic surgery.

But there are two main types of plastic correction to alter the form and shape of eyes:canthopexy andkantoplastika.


This operation is done independently or in conjunction with blepharoplasty and other types of face correction. Technology is its implementation. The surgeon makes a small incision in the outer corner of the eye captures the tendon (Cantus) and sew it to the periosteum. Thus, the adjusted sagging lower eyelid overhang the edge of the upper eyelid, drooping corners of his eyes. Through canthopexy changing shape of the eyes, eliminate pop-eyed.


Kantoplastika - the operation is more complicated. In the surgical guide it is defined as "an operation to lengthen and expand the optic fissure." As such, this procedure is designed for severe deformation century as a result of congenital defects, disease, severe injuries that led to spikes and narrowing of the palpebral fissure.

In aesthetic plastic surgery is rather more complex version canthopexy. It is also used forchange the shape of the eye and the transformation of the Asian section in the European. If you've always dreamed of "cat" eyes, it is suitable for you plastic correction.

Canthopexy mainly designed to pull corners of his eyes. Kantoplastika able to reshape the lower eyelid, resulting in a change in the cut and shape of the eye.
In both cases, the joints are located in the corner of the eye in the natural crease of the upper eyelid.

Contraindications for operationschange eye shape are the same as for any surgery: severe cardiovascular disease, poor blood clotting, diabetes and so on. d.

Before the surgery, you will be examined by specialists and tests. Usually surgery is performed under local anesthesia, but more complicated ones require general anesthesia, so listen carefully to doctors' recommendations on diet in the preoperative period.

After surgery, possible swelling, minor bruising, discomfort in the eyes, that with proper care quickly pass. To work you'll be back in about 7 days after surgerychange the shape of the eye.

Among the risks of such operations, surgeons referred to as: the possibility of infection, unwantedchange in the shape of eyes, Under- or over-correction, the formation of dense scar in the ground joints.

The percentage of such risks is the same as with any other plastic surgery, and to minimize it, choose a specialist and clinic with a good, proven track record.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: photo, fold, blonde, modify, cut, Asian, kantoplastika