Botox: Implications

Botox: Implications
 Botox has recently been one of the most popular tools for facial rejuvenation, it is even called "grafting of beauty." In the US, Botox has been used for a long time, but here in Europe and Russia this drug penetrated much later. His miraculous properties have heard many, and indeed, the results speak for themselves. The negative effects of this preparation is not too much, but they are most often small and temporary.

What is the most Botox? This particular toxin which produce bacteria. Taking it as food poisoning causes, which is called botulism. With it very successfully treated excessive sweating of feet, palms and underarms, and in cosmetics, it is used for rejuvenation: the toxin immobilizes the facial muscles that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

So how about the positive effects of Botox already know a lot, it is interesting to read in the first place, on the back side of the process, namely the negative consequences. Here about them and will be discussed.

Immediately, it is important to say that the negative effects after Botox injections are very rare, and they are usually very weak and do not last long. Moreover, these effects are almost always caused not by the action of the drug and its introduction in the wrong way and the incompetence of the doctor-cosmetologist.

In the injection site may occur redness, sometimes a headache. This all may last a few hours, not more. Sometimes, if the injection during injection of a blood vessel has been damaged, it becomes small hematoma. In itself it is not a problem, but the administration of substance in this location may change its diffusion, it is sometimes the case in the "crow's feet" around the eyes or.

There are cases of intolerance, an allergic reaction, itching, or a small rash. This happens very rarely, serious problems no one until now has not been revealed, even the reason for not really clear.

Sometimes Botox is injected beautician thoughtlessly or even wrong: the wrong place and in the wrong amount. May have consequences such as drooping eyebrows and upper eyelid sagging of the lower eyelid, the so-called "dry" eyes (when given too much botox is very close to the eyeball), changing the shape of the upper lip, small disturbances of motor activity of the muscles of the lips. All this is happening, if the drug has been entered incorrectly, and over time it passes.

When the physician selects the wrong tactics, in the result of the procedure may not set the desired result. If you want to avoid the unpleasant effects of Botox and get excellent results refer only to experienced specialists.

Tags: effect, a consequence of the introduction, the use of Botox