
 Today women's magazine JustLady tell you about one of the most popular plastic surgery - blepharoplasty. Eyes, probably one of the most moving parts of our body, and certainly the most visible item on the face. We schurimsya from wind and bright light, looking, Morgan. Meanwhile, the skin around the eyes is much thinner and more sensitive than the rest of the face, it is easier to injure. Lack of care, age, even the lack of proper skills demakijazha leads to the fact that the signs of wilting in the field become too noticeable even at a relatively young face. Thus, by the age of 35 women are beginning to think about how to return the eyes of the young and open look. This will help them age correction or, in other words, blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty: types

Eyelid There are several kinds: correction of upper eyelid, lower eyelid correction, circular blepharoplasty. Often this operation is combined with other types of plastic face.

Correction of upper eyelid held when the skin is stretched it too and hangs on the eye. In this case, the surgeon removes a portion of the skin in the form of a strip near the natural pleats. Then re-sewn edges of the cut. The seam is almost invisible because it is situated in the crease.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is required when the eye is formed so-called "bag". The most common cause of its occurrence becomes an excess of adipose tissue (fat hernia). Then the doctor makes an incision in the most accurate lower lashes, without damaging their line. Adipose tissue is removed, excess skin is cut off, and the rest, is pulled up.
Worry about the seam in this case is not worth it, because it will take place under the most eyelashes and remain completely invisible.

If you have seen the overhang of the upper eyelid and bags under the eyes, then you will be offered a circular eyelid.

At the young age of most of the reason forblepharoplasty become fat hernia. The material is still quite dense and firm and tighten it is not necessary. Then doctors perform another type of correction - traskonyuktivnuyu blepharoplasty.

In this case, the doctor makes a puncture or incision in the conjunctiva smallest (inside the lower eyelid) and through it removes excess fat. This method is good because it does not require large seams, leaves no scars and therefore has a short rehabilitation period.

The latest method for removing fat herniation can be calledbuccal blepharoplasty. From the title it is clear that the operation is carried out through the mouth. Actually not even the surgeon removes fat, but simply, entering through the mouth in the right place, fasten fat hernia stitches to the soft tissues. Thus, the patient gets rid of the outer seams and any appreciable interference characteristics.

However, this method has not been widely adopted because of the relative novelty, and to carry out such operations will have to find a specialist that is called manually.

Most operationseyelid tested under local anesthesia, but sometimes it can be a general anesthesia.


Eyelid: preparation

Before the surgery, you will have a complete examination, including all the necessary tests and inspection specialists. If you wear glasses or contacts, this will need to tell the doctor, as well as put it in prominence on existing diseases and allergic reactions.

ContraindicationsEyelid may serve some chronic diseases, clotting disorders, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, ocular hypertension, hypertension. In diseases and dry eye may also be decided on the impossibility ofeyelid.

Before the surgery, you will be given a full recommendation that should be followed strictly, if you want to avoid unpleasant consequences.

After blepharoplasty

Although operationsEyelid long run, this does not exclude a certain percentage of failures and adverse events.

The most simple and natural phenomenaafter blepharoplasty - A swelling, some discomfort, which will take place relatively quickly. Also may cause conjunctivitis. In the latter case, the doctor will prescribe medication and you are likely to forget about it in 3-4 days.

3 days later the surgeon will remove the stitches, but in some cases it can happen, and on the 7th day. Do not worry, the healing takes place, depending on skin condition, the individual characteristics of the organism.

Swelling and bruising that may appearafter blepharoplastyTypically disappear completely after 2-3 weeks. For their early resorption in the first hours after surgery will be recommended cold compresses. In the early days will need to do special exercises for the eyes and bury a special solution.

Of physical activity will have to give in the first 4 weeks. For 2-4 monthsafter blepharoplasty will have to follow the consumption of water and salt.


Blepharoplasty: reviews

Most reviews of the operation blepharoplasty positive. Patients reported a relatively short period of discomfort and disability for such major surgery.

Usually, by the reviews, see the first results of blepharoplasty can be a month and a half, though, up to 6 months to jump to conclusions is not necessary. Most operated bruising and swelling does not cause much trouble, since you will be allowed to apply makeup after 7-10 days and the remains of traces can be masked.

Patients aftereyelid also notes that are important selection specialist, inner spirit, and patience in waiting for the final results.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, plastic, review, gymnastics, blepharoplasty