What is different from the pug nose snub

What is different from the pug nose snub
 When meeting with a stranger first impression is made by facial features. Not always it turns out to be correct - however, experts in the field of physiognomy argue that the structure of the face can be very accurately describe the nature of man. Especially revealing in this respect is the shape of the nose.
 The shape of the nose not only gives its holder a certain look, but a lot can tell about it. The nose is evaluated by its shape, length, width, on the nose, the tip of the nose wings, on the back and bottom. Scientists have counted fourteen types of noses, but often there are six main options: a snub nose, snub-nosed, hawk, Greek, Roman, Nubian.

The main feature of snub nose tip is elevated, with clearly visible nostrils. This is the nose, for example, was Marilyn Monroe. People with similar noses are generally optimistic and friendly, they are characterized by a certain nonchalance and insouciance. Tip-tilted nose gives its holder a certain charm.

Snub nose like a snub, but differs from it thicker and fleshy tip. Holders of such peculiar noses too optimistic, they are good-natured, reliable, soft, a little naive. Many people believe this snub-nosed shape of the nose disadvantage trying to somehow hide it. However, it should be borne in mind that among the many movie stars snub-nosed - such as Angelina Jolie, Natalia Oreiro, Kate Beckinsale, Liv Tyler and many others.

Hawk (eagle) has a characteristic hooked nose shape, people with nose traditionally considered short-tempered, impatient, sly, smart, self-confident. Sometimes they are credited with cruelty and deceit, love of intrigue. That such a nose, in particular, had John Lennon.

Greek called classic straight nose, his peculiar talents owners head, determination, intelligence, insight, ability to take responsibility. Such people do well with their emotions, so apparently can show some coldness and restraint.

Roman nose is different from direct noticeable hump. Gives stubbornness, determination, ability to insist on. Holders of the nose can influence others, are good organizers.

Nubian nose has a wide base. Its owners are impulsive, determined, passionate, sometimes unrestrained. They have an open character, they are friendly and peaceful - as long as they are not zadenut. Increased sensitivity and emotionality leads to the fact that they are easy to get angry, but so easy and cool.

Tags: shape, nose, style, character, physiognomy