The most beautiful women over 40

The most beautiful women over 40
 Every woman wants to always remain beautiful, regardless of age. Many people think that with the onset of almost 40 years of life ends. However, in the world there are plenty of examples to the contrary, showing that even beyond this, you can look more than attractive.

Hard to believe, but one of the sexiest women in the world, the singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, will soon celebrate 41 years old. Moreover, three years ago, Jennifer Lopez gave birth to twins, but the birth and age, it seems, does not affect its famous spectacular form - Lopez still looks brilliant.

Not far behind in this regard and dark-skinned Hollywood beauty Halle Berry, who in August 2011, will celebrate its 44th birthday. At the moment, forty (to be exact, 42 years old) star "Charlie's Angels" and "Kill Bill" Lucy Liu.

Also overcame a commemorative stamp and all the female part of the series "Friends": Lisa Kudrow 47 years, Courteney Cox - 46, Jennifer Aniston is 42, however, looking at them, the real age is almost impossible to guess.

Strictly speaking, this is not the limit for the conservation of natural beauty. To his fiftieth birthday (up to two years he has left) approaching the famous "GI Jane" Demi Moore, and that is especially valuable, the actress does not recognize the principle of Plastic Surgery. In solidarity with her in this and another representative of Hollywood - 53-year-old Michelle Pfeiffer. Among other things, in an interview with Michelle admits that she loves to pamper yourself a sweet, which, however, did not affect her figure.

However, this list can be noted, not only actresses. For example, supermodel Cindy Crawford has 45, and great-looking singer Sheryl Crow - 49, and this despite the fact that a few years ago, she managed to defeat breast cancer.

Finally, one can not forget the favorite of millions of viewers, "Lieutenant Ripley" fantastic Sigourney Weaver, who is actively pursuing a film career and miraculously appears in its already 61 years old. Even better than many actresses in 40 years.

Tags: actress, woman, secret, age, youth