Spider veins - how to make your skin healthy

Spider veins - how to make your skin healthy
 The appearance of spider veins on the face is the official medical name - rosacea and occurs in circulatory disorders. Particularly affected by this disease people with sensitive skin, they are more susceptible to temperature, cold, and some components of cosmetic products, which provoke problems with blood vessels. It all starts with a small reaction: burning sensation, itching, or irritation in the area of ​​the chin, nose and forehead. Then unpleasant symptoms can become permanent and move to the next stage of the disease, which is characterized by intense redness of the skin and the appearance of vascular mesh on the face. How to prevent rosacea, and what tools will help to make the injured vessels less visible, to tell women's magazine JustLady.

Vessels on the face - the causes of

Most appearancespider veins on the face subject to the tender skin that reacts more quickly to any adverse factors. For this skin needs careful care, sometimes specialized tools that can not only clean, moisturize and nourish, but also protect the skin from harmful environmental effects. Risk factors include:

• Temperature fluctuations, long exposure to cold, heat, ultraviolet (being in the cold, in the open sun, frequent visits to the solarium, baths or saunas);
• Chronic use of too spicy or hot food, alcohol and smoking;
• Hormonal disorders;
• Stressful situations.

The mechanism of occurrence of rosacea is quite simple. Vessels on the face, as well as in other parts of the body, constantly narrow and widen - a normal reaction to an external stimulus and other stimuli. The connective tissue that makes up the vessels, with age becomes less elastic, broken water-salt balance of the skin and, as a consequence - happen capillary microtrauma. Predisposition to this disease can be inherited and occur even at an early age. While spider veins on the face of the child is a rare phenomenon in the absence of preventive measures rosacea can progress, and, over time, develop into a big problem.

Vessels on the face - prevention of rosacea

Sensitive skin requires special, gentle care. Proper hygiene and well-chosen daily caring means moisturize and tone the skin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Avoid lotions with a high content of alcohol and other irritants, when choosing a cream have a look at its structure. It should contain the following components, has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the skin:
- Vitamin C - Increases the tone of the connective tissue, strengthens blood vessels and stimulates the production of collagen;
- Vitamin E - Nourishes the skin, giving the vessels elasticity, accelerates regeneration of skin, heals minor injury and rupture of the vessel;
- Vitamin P - Increases the resistance of the tissues to the harmful effects of the environment;
- Vitamin K - Increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, normalizes blood circulation.

Get rid of spider veins much more difficult than to prevent their occurrence. Therefore, preventive measures with special masks (with collagen, nourishing extracts and vitamin components) and easy peeling agents containing plant enzymes, should be held regularly and, preferably, in specialized beauty salons. As for makeup and self-care routine, it is necessary to follow some rules:
• Choose cosmetics without ingredients that can cause irritation or allergy: alcohol, honey, menthol, eucalyptus oil, fruit acids, fragrances;
• In summer, use tools with high SPF-protection from ultraviolet radiation, winter - creams containing peanut butter, grape seed and vitamin C;
• Thoroughly clean the skin before going to bed, care cream, apply a thin layer - the night your skin needs to "breathe";
• Try to avoid the steam inhalation treatments for colds, replace them or aromakulonom aroma lamp with essential oils.

Vessels on the face - treatment

Correct beauty care and protection of the skin against harmful factors prevent the appearance of rosacea, butget rid of existing spider veins You can only hardware methods in specialized clinics.

1. Laser photocoagulation. As a result of the laser on the problem area occurs sticking vascular walls and capillary becomes invisible. The method is considered to be gentle, do not traumatize the skin and does not cause much discomfort to the patient, for effective removal of spider veins with a diameter of 2 mm.

2. Injection of ozone. With the help of microneedles into the lumen of the vessel entered the oxygen-ozone mixture that starts in the cells of biochemical oxidation processes. Result - destruction (disappearance) of the patients vessels. Ozone therapy does not cause side effects, does not leave scars and allows you to fullyget rid of spider veins.

3. Sclerotherapy. Especially effective when exposed to venous spider veins, getting rid of them is done by introducing into the lumen of the vessel drug-sclerosant. The vessel is eliminated from the general circulation, and completely disappears after 1-1.5 months after injection. Sclerotherapy is often used toremoval of spider veins on his feet.

Removal of vessels on the face - folk ways

Mask for strengthening blood vessels №1. Mix equal parts of grape seed oil, calendula extract, dandelion and Sophora. Apply to face before going to bed for 20-30 minutes, blot the excess tissue. Courses are held within two months.

Mask for strengthening blood vessels №2. Grape seed oil extract, cypress seeds, galangal, butcher, mimosa and blueberries mixed in equal proportions and apply on cleansed face. To accelerate the penetration of nutrients to the epidermis, cover your face with warm cloth. After 15-20 minutes, wash and apply a nourishing cream. Make a mask twice a week. Fullyget rid of spider veins With it you can not, but the redness becomes less noticeable.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: skin cream jar, asterisk, vitamin, wall, fortification, aromatic oils