Often, dry scaly skin around the nails says a lack of in the body of any components for proper metabolism. It may be an amino acid (including the epidermal cells are constructed and the entire body), vitamins or minerals (usually in groups).
In order to resolve this reason enough to reconsider your diet and be completed by products containing essential micronutrients skin - wholemeal bread, rice, vegetables, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, dairy products. Also maintain the right balance of essential body substances help complexes of minerals and vitamins that you can buy at the pharmacy.
To prevent peeling hands and cuticle area and the area of the side rollers, avoid exposure to harmful substances contained in detergents and other media. To do this, housework, especially related to household chemicals, should be carried out in rubber gloves. Then wash your hands with soap and water (but not economic) and apply a nourishing cream and nails.
It is also important to properly care for your hands and nails. To do this they need to be washed with lukewarm water, and finish cold rinsing procedure. This will facilitate the training of blood vessels and improve blood supply to the tissues. Better to use cream soap. After washing your hands and the area around the nails should be thoroughly dry.
In the evening and in the morning on the cuticle area and the area of the side rollers should be applied, gently massaging, nourishing cream with hyaluronic acid or glycerin (it will help to hydrate the skin) or oil for the cuticle. Weekly area around the nails should be handled scrub - it will help get rid of dead skin cells. After the procedure, wash and scrub applied to the skin nourishing cream or a special oil.
Get rid of flaky skin around the nails will also help Manicurist. In the salons tend to offer a hot oil manicure, the recovery of the nails and skin around them and moisturizing cuticle area and the area of the side rollers special professional oil.