Peeling of the skin on my feet: what are the reasons?

Peeling of the skin on my feet: what are the reasons?
 Peeling of the skin on the feet is not only a serious cosmetic defect, but also very unpleasant phenomenon, capable of delivering a person a lot of inconvenience. Before starting the fight against peeling of the skin, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence.
 The most common cause of skin peeling feet is their excessive dryness. If in winter you too much heat the room without worrying about additional humidification of air, the skin gradually loses moisture, becomes dry and irritable. In addition, disruption of water and lipid balance may contribute to the appearance of cracks on the heels, which cause discomfort and pain.

Often, skin peeling and cracks provoke a strong synthetic clothing and footwear, in which a person has to be in all day long.

Appearance of skin desquamation could contribute legs age-related changes in an organism or a shortage of a certain group of vitamins and trace elements (especially important for skin zinc), as well as specific omega-3 fatty acids. In this case, the aid will come a regular balanced diet and taking a multivitamin complexes.

In some cases, dry scaly skin of feet can be caused by a fungal infection. If you are concerned about the constant itching in the feet and between the toes, be sure to consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, which will exclude or confirm the presence of infection.

In addition, skin peeling feet can be caused by the following diseases: eritoderma and exfoliative dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, Kawasaki disease (more common in children and adolescents). In such cases it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment under the strict supervision of experts.

Damage to the skin of the feet may also be triggered by an allergic reaction to certain foods, cosmetics and medicines. Other factors that can cause peeling, are a strong nervous breakdown, stress and systematic emotional overload. Similar phenomena are not to be left out of the doctor.

Tags: leather, foot, peeling, the reason