How to tighten the eyelid skin

How to tighten the eyelid skin
 The skin around the eyes - the most tender and delicate, so it is old and much faster. Very often it happens that a person looks young, but the "crow's feet" and sagging skin of the eyelids treacherously give true age. There are several ways to combat this problem. Creams and masks is better to use in the initial stages of aging, but if the problem started, then it is necessary to resort to more radical methods.
 If the skin of the eyelids drooped still not much, save the situation can help creams. To do this twice, morning and evening, use a special moisturizer for the skin around the eyes. You can also regularly massage your eyelids with ice cubes made from an infusion of chamomile or green tea. This will help keep the skin elasticity for a long time, and existing sagging become almost invisible.

In that case, if the skin around the eyes dropped quite strongly, you can try to use a hardware lifting. Very often, the effect it gives no worse than surgery. Such methods there are many, but one of the most popular is Thermage. It is based on warming even deeper layers of the skin to 50 degrees. As a result of damaged collagen fibers that runs them accelerated synthesis. As a result, you get a smooth and tighten the skin, which is tight to the muscle tissue, while tightening and lower fabric. Thus, creating the effect of a kind of corset. The effect of this procedure lasts about six months, then you have to start all over again. Besides, it costs a lot. But immediately after the procedure, you can return to normal life.

If you do not have the desire and time to Thermage, pay attention to blepharoplasty. Yes, it is surgery, but the operation is effective. It not only removes drooping eyelids, but also help get rid of bags under the eyes and crow's feet. Technology of it is as follows: the surgeon makes a small incision in the upper eyelid and gently removes the excess adipose tissue and excess skin. In the area of ​​the lower eyelid incision is made along the edge of the eyelashes. After completion of the overlap seams which can be removed in about a week. By normal life can return in 2 weeks, if there are no complications.

The skin around the eyes to stay longer elastic, and there was no need to go through all the unpleasant procedures need as soon as possible to begin to care for her. Use good quality cosmetics designed specifically for these areas of skin, try a special Japanese massage Asahi.

Remember that the main way to deal with drooping eyelids is prevention!

Tags: skin care, age, lift