How to return to work after the holidays

How to return to work after the holidays
 Everyday life sooner or later replace the holidays, and no matter how difficult, we have to go to work. Sometimes even after many days of labor of love fun New Year seems unsupportable. That before long holidays solved in a few minutes, it was time-consuming and nerve. How to return to its former operation?
 Come home after a long New Year holidays in one or two days before leaving for work, so that you have time to recover. Develop a mini-plan psychological and physical rehabilitation to find the lost business form.

First of all, refuse the temptation to sleep all day. It should be used to recuperate, naps can cause insomnia night. Start with parsing selling suitcases and cleaning the apartment. Then think over the menu for the day, except for fatty, sugary and alcoholic drinks - all of this was enough for the New Year table. For breakfast you can eat porridge and drink a cup of green tea. Oatmeal has the property that envelop the stomach, eliminating him from the consequences of heavy Christmas meals. For lunch, perfect for a couple of chicken with rice. Dinner can be replaced by fruit and tea without sugar.

Get out of the house for a walk. If weather permits, enjoy a winter sports - ski, skate or play with the kids in the snow. Try not to think about the upcoming working day, use the last hours of rest to the fullest.

Earlier this year, many feel a little depressed, triggered "Monday syndrome" - a feeling that the long hard road ahead. Do not try to suppress this feeling, it will pass by itself as soon as you enter into a working rhythm.

In the service not immediately grab for complex cases, which may have accumulated a lot. Start by checking the mail, then make a plan for the week. Let the first working day will be loaded minimally. You still only take overclocking not make any sudden movements.

Do not worry because of the fact that the holidays behind, focus on the upcoming weekdays. Very soon you can start planning your summer vacation, and for the sake of it stands as should work.

Tags: work, holiday, year, Ambassador, vacation