How to remove hair permanently at home

How to remove hair permanently at home
 All used to think that irrevocably body hair removal is only possible when paying expensive treatments and hair removal laser. Nevertheless, there are ways of getting rid of people's hair permanently.

Do not dispose of the shell of pine nuts - chop it and pour two tablespoons shell cup of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for about 20 minutes, wait until the mixture has cooled, then filter.
Get broth moisten a cotton swab or cloth and wipe the place to get rid of hair.


You can also cook pine cones that are digested resin, and received broth to lubricate the skin with unwanted hair.


Take 40 grams of seeds dioica nettle and leave for two months in 100 grams of vegetable oil. Lubricate the right place for two months.


Helps vegetation on the body and fresh juice of green walnuts, which should be lubricated with problem areas.


Powdered seeds of Datura and insist on vodka for three weeks. The composition also must be applied to the skin to remove hair.


Another means of excess hair - the juice of unripe grapes. If you squeeze the juice from young vines and rub it into the skin, the hair will also be deleted.


You can also use chemical means - Mix 10 grams of quicklime and 10 grams of calcium sulfide. Get gruel lubricate the skin for hair removal, leaving the paste on the skin for half an hour. Make sure that the composition does not hit on the face and eyes.


Use for hair removal a strong solution of manganese - but with this method, be careful, as a strong solution of manganese can cause skin burns. Furthermore, the manganese from solution in a small amount of water can be made to pan bikini area. Daily for 20 minutes doing the right place with the manganese bath solution until the manganese will not burn and will not destroy the hair follicles.

Tags: hair, pets, condition, delete, recipe