How to remove age spots on hands

How to remove age spots on hands
 One manifestation is the appearance of age pigment spots on the skin, especially the hands. These are consequences of prolonged sun exposure to the skin, as well as the fragility of blood vessels. There are robust folk remedies to get rid of stains.
 Traditional medicine offers many recipes to combat pigmentation spots. Select from them only their empirically, because some of them may cause an allergic reaction.

Good effect on the skin pigment provides hands compress sorrel. Finely chop the fresh leaves of the plant, wrap them in a piece of gauze bandage or wrap and take your hands. After 10-15 minutes, rinse your hands and brush cream. Instead sorrel can take chickweed (flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae), but it must be pre-boiled water.

Crude oil, avocado oil contains in its structure plant steroids, which restore collagen, help fight age-related pigmentation. Rub the oil into your hands regularly, and spots will be much less noticeable.

Excellent bleaching agent has a lemon. Therefore, it is recommended to make the home special skin whitener. He makes the skin smooth, lightens dark spots and freckles. To make it, mix one egg white, fresh lemon juice (as much in terms of how the protein) and 3-4 drops of essential oil (you can choose rosemary, lavender, geranium).

Whisk protein faience piala to create cool foam. Pour the lemon juice into it, slowly and carefully. Then pour the contents into an enamel saucepan and heat over low heat until thick. Then add the essential oil. After cooling, can be used. Rub tool in your hands. Store in the refrigerator can be 5-7 days. But every time you will need to shake up the bleach.

One of the oldest tools to deal with age spots is a lotion made from vinegar and onion juice. By the way, it can be rubbed into the skin and bruises. Mix a teaspoon of fresh onion juice with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Spray on hands daily. Means can be stored for several days in the refrigerator.

Note that the result of the use of folk remedies not be immediately apparent. We must be patient and conduct regular treatments for the skin.

Tags: spot, leather, hand whitening