How to moisturize the scalp

How to moisturize the scalp
 Moisturizing mask for scalp useful for any type of hair. Skin dryness and dullness, hair posechennymi promote consistent use of shampoos, stress, hard tap water. Masks will not solve these problems, but will help keep hair healthy.
 Carry out the procedure for the scalp three or four times a month. If your hair is severely damaged, it is possible the participation of the procedure up to two times a week. Remember that masks themselves can not solve the problem of hair. Condition of hair - a true indicator of overall health, so you should start with the following principles of a healthy lifestyle.

For treatments at home, you will need a plastic cap and towel or warm hat. The most simple and effective means for masks include egg yolk, alcohol, honey, vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, olive, castor, burdock), glycerin, whey powder, henna, rye bread. Engorged scalp useful substances contained in these products, and it will help her trap moisture and provide a moisturizing hair roots.

Shampoo effectively cleans the scalp and hair from pollution, but also very dry them. Replace the shampoo once or twice a week, egg yolk, a mask of black rye bread or sour. Take one large or two medium-sized egg yolks, put in a cup, a cup put on a few minutes in hot water, use egg yolks instead of shampoo.

Mask of black bread, take 150-200 g of the product soak in a little hot water, put a lot on the scalp to take a shower, then just rinse with water. You can also use yogurt.

If your hair and scalp strongly overdried, make a mask of glycerol (a teaspoon), castor oil (2 tablespoons), yolk and vinegar (a teaspoon). Apply to skin and hair, put on a shower cap, wrap a towel and keep for about forty minutes. Rinse shampoo.

This mask can be used when dry, and oily hair. Prepare a mask of egg yolk, a teaspoon of any alcohol, a teaspoon of honey and olive oil. Mix and apply on the scalp, gently rubbing his fingertips. Put the plastic cap from the top tie a towel, soak 15 minutes. If the scalp is oily, you can not add oil.

Tags: skin, hair mask material