How to make a temporary henna tattoo yourself

How to make a temporary henna tattoo yourself
 Temporary tattoos is different from other tattoos safe, painless and easy application. Temporary henna tattoo is easy to make yourself. Moreover, this body tattoo lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, i.e. not too little and not too long. Image of temporary henna tattoo can be changed, allowing you to change your style or mood.

Temporary tattoo applied using henna - absolutely harmless and hi-tech natural dye. For applying temporary tattoos, you can use 2 kinds of henna: black and red. Red henna is a natural henna as a pale green powder. When applied to the skin is possible to obtain different shades of red henna - from orange to brown. Black henna - a mixture of red henna and parafenildiamina (synthetic dye). This type of henna is not entirely natural and can cause allergies, so when you use black henna need to be careful.

Temporary tattoo henna tattoos constant different from that it is not applied under the skin and on the skin. For its application wizard tattoo use special pens, adhesive stencils, brushes and syringes.

To make a temporary henna tattoo yourself, you can use ready-mixed in tubes or prepare a mixture of henna powder alone. For the preparation of such a mixture of henna powder can be mixed with water, coffee or tea, lemon juice and a few drops of eucalyptus oil or melabia.

The sequence of the process of applying temporary henna tattoo:

- The skin, which will be applied tattoo, first treat the eucalyptus oil and clean using a peeling;
- Attach to the skin patterned stencil tattoo or a special film on which the image is drawn felt-tip pen;
- On the stencil or stamp images, apply a thick layer of henna paste;
- Allow the paste for one hour;
- Carefully scrape off the skin with dried pasta.

The tattoo will remain on the skin for several weeks.

Temporary henna tattoo can be applied to various parts of the body. You can draw on the body of a variety of intricate patterns, ornaments and weave, characters, images of fire, flowers, animals, etc. etc. Figure tattoo depends only on your own imagination.

Tags: paste, type, tattoo, henna, stencil, a mixture of