How to get rid of the burn marks

How to get rid of the burn marks
 To burn not remain scars and marks, you need to properly care for them. Do not worry if your chronic burn. Modern technologies allow to remove scars and such.
 Remove burn marks by using ointments such as "Kontraktubeks" "Panthenol" "sintomitsina" "Aktovegin" "Solcoseril" "Mederma". The disadvantage of this method is that it is very durable. So be patient and smear the burn regularly for at least two months, otherwise any effect you get.

Traditional medicine advised to use fresh potatoes for processing just burns. As well helps and aloe vera juice. To be treated juice, cut a few leaves, chop them and wrap in cheesecloth. Then squeeze the juice into a cup and handle them a place burns twice a day until the stain is gone. Can also make compresses of bandage, wetting them in the juice. To treat the leaves of plants, cut them in half lengthwise and attach cut the scar. Fix the sheet bandage.

Exfoliate burn marks by using the calcium chloride. Based on this cosmetic procedure called rolling, which is offered in the cabin.

If, however, on the site of the burn is a dark spot, use castor oil. It has a bleaching effect. This property has the same zest and lemon juice, which you can use to create custom masks.

The most modern method of removing scars from burns - laser resurfacing. It is carried out in beauty salons or clinics. With it, you can completely remove the scar of any complexity, no matter where you got it. Disadvantage of this method - it's pretty expensive. But it guarantees to get rid of traces of burns on any part of the body.

It is possible to get rid of scars after burns with beeswax and butter. Take two pieces of butter, one piece of beeswax and mayhem mixture in a water bath. While constantly stir until a homogeneous mass. Now add the juice of half a lemon, zest and chopped or lubricate the burn. The wax will soften your skin, the oil will nourish damaged skin and lemon bleach dark spots.

Tags: stains, marks, burns, Ambassador, scar, scar