How to get rid of scars at home

How to get rid of scars at home
 Often after trauma, burns or acne scars on the skin. They arise from the substitution of connective tissue sections of the epidermis. If your skin is prone to increased formation of keloids, immediately after the healing of open wounds begin prevention of scars. If they have long existed, you can try to get rid of them yourself.
 A good way to get rid of scars at home is the application of green clay mixture and rosemary. For the preparation of this composition, take half a tablespoon of dry clay, drip in her 3 drops rosemary oil and gradually add cooled boiled water to a mushy state. This mixture imposes on 15 minutes, then rinse with water. This procedure is repeated once every three days, all recommended at least five sessions. In between applications of green clay, so. E. For two days between sessions, wipe scars rosemary oil 5-6 times a day.

Resorption of scarring promote fruit acids, this principle is based on the method of chemical peels. At home, use a solution of apple cider vinegar. To this dilute it with warm water in a ratio of three to one and superposed on a compress scars 10 minutes three times a day. The impact of acid leads to the gradual dissolution of the upper layer of the skin and the surface of the scar will flatten.

Dissolution of keloid tissue contributes hydrocortisone ointment. Apply a thin layer three times per day. The total treatment time for seven days, during which time keloid significantly thinned. Continued use of this ointment was carried out after konsultattsii a doctor, t. To. Greatly thinned scar tissue may burst.

If the self-treatment of scars at home does not bring the desired effect, ask for help cosmetologists or plastic surgeons. In the clinic, in zavisimomosti the magnitude of scars, you will spend laser resurfacing or excision of keloid tissue. For best results, please contact the clinic at least six - eight weeks after the appearance of scars.

Tags: domestic, condition, peeling, scar technique resorption