How to flush the body with Zelenka

How to flush the body with Zelenka
 Solution of brilliant green, commonly called green paint - the most popular means of scratches and abrasions. Perhaps there is not a home kit, which would not have this drug. Excellent tool for the treatment of wounds has antiseptic properties and surprisingly resistant color.  
 Wash off with water Zelenka, of course, you can, but it will take more than one day. And to be in public places with green "decorations" on the face or hands - not aesthetically pleasing.

Remove traces of green fodder from the visible parts of the body can be using the funds available in every home. The most common way - process "green" areas of hydrogen peroxide.

When Zelenka need to wash off with a healthy, no problem, skin, use rubbing alcohol (salicyl). Adding a little lemon juice, we get another tool, a perfect substitute ready lemon alcohol. Copes with this problem and spirit of camphor.

Alcohol-based products - lotions, colognes can help scrub Zelenka. In an extreme case, fresh stains can be removed by wiping them with vodka.

When applied to the skin slightly greasy cream (better to take baby cream), and then rinse with warm water and soap, the bright color antiseptic noticeably fade. This procedure should be performed at least three times per day. Harm cream will not, and traces of green stuff will become less noticeable.

It happens that the hands get dirty green paint when you need to treat their wounds are not, for example, and abrasion child. In this case, you can make a warm hand bath, adding a few drops of warm water hlorofillipta (alcoholic solution) or a few grains of potassium permanganate.

Chlorhexidine, which has antiseptic and disinfecting properties also significantly lightens the effect of green fodder. But we should remember that it is not compatible with soap and contraindicated for those who have elevated allergic reactions.

Remove stains from the skin can be green fodder, and prepare a bath of hot water (as "suffering" hand), and then steamed place to rub hard sponge. This technique is shown only if the areas of skin wounds have and zelenka accidentally hit.

In the summer, you can delete Zelenka sorrel leaves. Acid contained in the plant, copes well with this task.

Tags: spot, body, brilliant green