How to change appearance

How to change appearance
 Much given to people from birth, and they can not change it without the services of specialists. If desired, you can change the name to move to another city or even country to start a family. All this has a significant impact on the human condition. No less important are the changes in appearance.  
 Have you ever irresistible urge to move away from their traditional way, change clothes and give up the old image? Sometimes an ordinary change of hairstyle produces such an effect that the person hardly know even close and native people. So if you decide to change your appearance, then it should start with the head.

Go to a beauty salon and make an appointment with the barber-stylist. If you are not sure whether you fit a new haircut, consult an expert on the subject. You can not just be cut or, conversely, to increase hair, but paint them, straighten or curl, etc. The stronger your new hairstyle is different from the former, the more drastically change your appearance.

After the hairdresser join in updating your wardrobe. Of course, many things I want to wear over the years, but no matter how comfortable they are, sooner or later have to get rid of them. Choose a style of dress that you like the most. Now very popular style "casual design." You can see how to dress your favorite TV star and adopt some of the features of her style.

Another indispensable aspect of transformation is the makeup. Often difficult to understand how the girl looks without it. Sometimes it is not even possible to know her without makeup. Of course, abuse of foundation and powder is not necessary. Firstly, it does not always help you transform. Second, the excess of cosmetics especially noticeable in daylight.

Pick a makeup so that it emphasized the advantages of your face and at the same time different from the usual. Dramatically changes the appearance of red lipstick and eye penciled dark pencil. However, this image is just so "try" it must be very carefully.

Tags: appearance