Folk remedies to strengthen teeth and gums

Folk remedies to strengthen teeth and gums
 In order to prevent various diseases of the gums and your teeth, there are various preventative folk remedies. They will help you to strengthen your gums and your teeth at home, while you do not have to do any procedures in the dental clinic.

To strengthen the gums and teeth at home, you can use the most ordinary eggplant. To do this you need one tablespoon of dry aubergine peel in the oven, then chop it (preferably in a coffee grinder). Pour one cup of boiling water peel and leave for about 30 minutes. Now, add one teaspoon of salt and the mixture rinse your mouth several times a day.

And to strengthen your teeth and gums is very good salt. To keep your teeth, gums and strengthen destroy unpleasant taste and odor in your mouth, rinse your mouth at night aqueous salt solution at the rate of one tablespoon of salt in a glass of water. This rinse is very useful for people who smoke, because the solution is well removes the bitterness in the mouth and creates the effect of freshness. If this solution to rinse the throat and more every day, then you forget about ARI, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

There is another popular tool that will help you with good breath, and to strengthen the gums. To make it, take one tablespoon of chopped herbs St. John's wort and fill it with 0, 5 liters of vodka. Insist it all in a tightly closed bottle for about a week. Next drip forty drops of tincture to a glass of water. It is necessary to take all of one week, two or three times a day.

If you are constantly worried about bleeding gums, then you might want to rinse your mouth with broth as follows: Take two pieces of bark oaks and one part lime color. Boil one teaspoon of the mixture in a cup of boiling water, then all the strain and cool. Take this mixture three to four times a day.

Boil one tablespoon of sage in a glass of boiled water, all one hour. Take this decoction four times a day for one tablespoon. Or, this solution can simply rinse your mouth every day. This broth is very good at helping to strengthen the gums and teeth.

Tags: tool, tooth, gums, strengthening