Cracked skin on the hands - why and why?

Cracked skin on the hands - why and why?
 Winter - the perfect time of the year. All clean, Belenky. And the air is fresh, even in heavily polluted cities. Again, what else can compare to the joy of playing in the snow? Only sledging. It does not matter that you're a grown woman: pobarahtatsya in the snow like it. One bad - our skin does not tolerate extreme temperatures: from the house to the street and back. And the first to suffer at the hands of the skin: it becomes thin, inflamed, often crack. When asked why cracked skin on the hands? - Meets the female site JustLady.

Cracks in the hands of - Is not only ugly, it is first of all hurt. Sometimes the crack is very deep, so that even the blood appears. So Muchwhy cracked skin on hands? The reasons can be many - from lack of vitamins A and E to the skin reaction to household chemicals. Typically, the problem is exacerbated in the winter, the skin becomes very dry at first, and then cracking skin on the hands. And suffer from it more often than women. Is there a way out? Of Course!

First we need to teach yourself to do the cleaning around the house wearing rubber gloves. Council seems trivial, but how often women forget about it. Yes, and did not seem to want to wear gloves when something Affairs: wipe dust, sweep the floor, so rinse the dishes. It would be nice before putting on gloves, grease glycerol hands - and make cleaning your hands and "Feed".
Second - you never go outside without gloves. Even if the street is not very cold. Before leaving, be sure to smear moisturizer. It is advisable to enrich the cream with essential oils. To do this, squeeze the cream on the palm and add 5 drops of essential oils basics - for this suit almond oil, jojoba oil, peach kernel, olive oil, mix well and rub into the skin.

The skin on the hands can crack if the body do not have enough fluid. Therefore, in the winter need to drink two liters of water. Just be nice to put in the house humidifiers, in extreme cases - plates with water on the battery.

If you have a couple of minutes in the evening to ourselves, to start rasparte skin if cracks are not deep, clean pens hand scrub, rinse in chamomile broth. Spread the night fat cream, preferably children with vitamin A, wear cotton gloves and go to sleep.

Cracked skin on the hands - why and why?

Similarly, ifcracked skin on handsYou can treat yourself to a special masks for hands.

Recipe №1

Boil a couple of potatoes, crushed, add milk and a tablespoon of olive oil. The resulting mass is to rub your hands and hold the mask 15 minutes, then rinse and smear your hands greasy cream.

Recipe №2

5 grams of the roots of Potentilla grind. Place in a water bath of 50 gram of butter, melted, add the resultant powder. Rub into the skin, leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse in chamomile broth.

Recipe №3

Just a piece of black pencil crush and mix with children fat cream. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin. Cracks delayed for three days.

If the cracks are deep, and ointments does not become easier, female site JustLady advises to make a tray with flaxseed. It heals the skin perfectly, making e soft and supple. So, a tablespoon of flax seed fill with boiling water, put on low heat and cook for 5 minutes, insist about half an hour, strain, mix with fatty cream and omit the back hand. After 10 minutes, takes out, dried and lubricate the skin moisturizer. It can also assist in the healing and the starch tray. Per liter of water is taken tablespoon of starch, stir thoroughly and let down his hand minute 20. Then give hands millet dry residues of starch carefully remove the cloth and lubricates the skin of the hand cream.

 Over the cream. It can be made at home, and it will be great to cope with cracks on their hands. So ifcracked skin on handsThen go to the kitchen to cook cream darling handles: calendula, chamomile, plantain and turns on 1 table to fill in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and infuse for about 6 hours, then strain the infusion, rub with 4 tablespoons of butter until creamy, add 1 a tablespoon of honey. Cream in the refrigerator and rub every day in your hands at night.

And finally, the most effective and easiest option. Go to the pharmacy. Buys oil solution of vitamin A and E, and rub them into the skin. As well as taken orally. Just oily solutions can enrich any hand cream. This is done very simply. In an empty jar squeezing hand cream, add to the same oil solutions of vitamins and use at your leisure.

If all of the above does not work, then you need to consult a dermatologist.Cracked skin on hands very often with neurodermatitis and psoriasis. The same experts say that it may be symptoms of intoxication from lyamly. Or banal fungus. Dermatologists determine why cracked skin on the hands, and tell us how to be treated in each case. And write out the necessary ointment.

And very, very last recommendation. Ifcracked skin on handsLook carefully at the household chemicals in the home. Maybe - it's an allergic reaction to the new. If something of detergents in doubt - get rid. Our mothers and grandmothers because somehow managed without a whole arsenal of detergents? And we can. Health - is more important. And the beauty of our hands - only in our own hands.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady