The Greek word - thalassotherapy - literally means treatment overseas. In fact, this set of procedures designed to healing the body, sea air, sea mud, seaweed, sea water and phytoplankton. Sea Treasures endowed with an amazing and unique composition. These natural cures, filled with power and energy blue abyss, heal the body and soul, return the youth and former beauty.
Various holistic treatments help to eliminate toxins, weight loss, improve blood circulation, relieve nervous tension and stabilize the psychological condition. Sea baths and massaging seaweed body retains feminine beauty and rejuvenates the body. The skin is structured, flexible, elastic, cellulite formation and age wrinkles are smoothed out considerably or disappear without a trace.
Mud therapy is used for the treatment of internal organs. It eliminates the various skin diseases.
The sea air, saturated with negative ions, is able to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to infection and stress, have beneficial effects on the thyroid gland and relieve the body of excess fat. Ozone rapidly saturating the sea air, has the following properties: natural antibiotic.
Healthy people are encouraged to use the thalassotherapy as prophylaxis. Vacation at the seaside, walking along the sandy beaches, swimming in sea water, enjoying the healthy air relieve nervous tension arises, it is easy to soothe nerves, relieve stress.
Technologies seafood for medicinal purposes are constantly evolving, improving and thalassotherapy confer unique properties, the ability to prevent the disease. Sometimes the results of treatment of thalassotherapy exceed expectations. Thanks to it, you can achieve a stunning effect in healing, which can not be achieved by the use of the most modern and trendy drugs.