In fact, the discontent own appearance - this is not complex. According to many psychologists, this is just a signal of the presence of any internal problems, the root of which may lie in early childhood or adolescence tender. However, if the cause of internal conflict and will not be solved, even the most superficial dissatisfaction with his own face and shape of the legs or breast size in a few months grows up to the present serious complex.
The decision of psychological problems should be engaged psychologist. And the surgeon's scalpel is not the best option making deep personal conflicts. Plastic surgery to eliminate the complexes associated with the appearance, it is appropriate only when there are serious physical defects, congenital or acquired as a result of the tragic circumstances of defects appearance.
Trying to turn into a means of plastic surgery to achieve happiness often ends in disappointment. After complexes - this is only the consequences of personal conflict. Conflict, which is rooted in the depths of consciousness. A conflict that needs to be solved, rather than trying to hide his new appearance. Especially because fashionable appearance standards are constantly changing, delaying seeking to match the ideal patient in an endless series of plastic surgeries. Breasts like Pamela Anderson, his eyes like Anastasia Vertinsky, lips like Angelina Jolie ...
The list of "rework" is infinite, because there is no limit to perfection. The more that modern beauty standards imposed by the younger generation in the pages of books and fashion magazines, tease perfectionists with TV screens and computer monitors.