Roller with mikroigolochkami against hyaluronic acid injections

Roller with mikroigolochkami against hyaluronic acid injections
 In order to rejuvenate the skin using different procedures. Injections of hyaluronic acid helps to significantly reduce the number of wrinkles, make the skin healthy. Carry out the procedure can only be in a beauty salon. Roller with mikroigolochkami - a device for home use. The effect of its application is not worse than after injections.
 Hyaluronic acid - a natural component present in young skin in sufficient quantity. With age, the amount of acid is greatly reduced. This leads to a general aging process of collagen and elastin occurs less vigorously. With the injection of hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, are concentrated around the introduction of acid water molecules. There is a general improvement and rejuvenation of the dermis.

Two ways to enable the introduction of hyaluronate eliminate wrinkles locally or spend contour filling around the perimeter of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is used not only for skin rejuvenation and wrinkle fillers, but in order to increase or restore the volume of the lips. The visible effect of the procedure is stored for 6-9 months, after which will require repeated injections.

Roller with mikroigolochkami designed to stimulate the regeneration processes of the skin and toning. In exchange using roller eliminates wrinkles, acne scars are reduced, decreasing the intensity of the color pigment spots.

Mikroigolochki made from medical steel, platinum-plated treated. The device can be used to rejuvenate the face, neck, skin of the whole body. Roller with mikroigolochkami stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin. With the device can enhance the action of therapeutic compositions intended for skin rejuvenation. When applying ointment or cream and then use the roller all substances penetrate the median layers of the epidermis and their action is greatly enhanced.

One procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes. The time depends on the size of the treated skin areas. Per course requires no more than 10 procedures.

Hyaluronic acid injections and the use of roller with mikroigolochkami contraindicated in psoriasis, eczema, a large number of nevi and warts, systemic diseases and inflammatory processes in the skin.

Tags: leather, acid, help, injection, use, rejuvenation, roller, mikroigolochka hyaluronate