Kruroplastika is a relatively new operation in plastic surgery. However, this area is developing, the correction is fairly quick and painless.
Increased muscle, which is achieved by the operation, helps to correct the internal circuit legs and thereby eliminate their curvature. Kruroplastika involves the installation of the implant, which increases the volume of the lower leg.
Indication for surgery is the underdevelopment of the calf muscles, bending the shins, the inability to achieve the desired results in Sport (fitness and bodybuilding), reshaping of the tibia after trauma.
Before the surgery, the surgeon selects the patient size and shape of the implant, which is filled with cohesive gel. Its composition makes it possible to simulate the shape and feel of the calf muscles. Incision during surgery is performed in the popliteal fossa and masked skin folds. Optimal results are achieved when the implant is in the correct position relative to the muscle and fascia. After the operation is applied compression stockings, which reduces swelling and discomfort.
After surgery, sometimes there are complications:
- Bleeding, which causes accumulation of blood pocket implant. In this case, the hematoma is removed and put drainage.
- Festering wounds.
- Capsular contracture, which is specific to the operations of plastic drums. Manifested in the formation of connective tissue that squeezes the implant, which deforms the shin. This is caused by hypersensitivity to the material, and in this case it requires replacement.
- Dystopia implant at which it is displaced to one side.
- Contouring, which is caused by a large implant.
Kruroplastika is an effective method for correcting the shin. Complications are quite rare, and many women are really happy with the result. When the operation is not affected vessels and nerves, and within a few days after the operation can be really boast all their beautiful legs.