The first group of operations designed to deliver people from the effects of different kinds of acquired injuries. These include burns, scars, stretch marks or generic gaps, as well as congenital abnormalities. The need for such intervention in some cases is obvious. In fact, besides the aesthetic discomfort the patient may experience a variety of physiological disturbances. For example, pain during intercourse or urination, incontinence, rubbing the scar while walking. In the most severe cases of impotence in men and infertility in women. Eliminating these deficiencies with surgery will help to make the client's life more fulfilling and comfortable.
Contraindications of intimate plastics in this case can serve as the presence of cancer, heart disease, sexually transmitted infections and certain types of allergies to medicines. The final decision about the possibility of the operation will take your doctor based on the results of all analyzes. But maybe you should first try to replace operation on a course of special exercises and massage, even if their effect is not as fast and clear.
For cosmetic purposes operation is carried out only at the request of the patient. Rather, it is intended to relieve the client from the complexes and bring sex appeal. As a rule, in itself surgery is little that can change in the fate of the one who asked for help - change for the better occur because a person gets rid of the imaginary defects, often blocked with his sexuality.
It is this area of medicine causes the greatest amount of controversy, as a single canon of ideal size and shape of the genitals does not exist. Psychological problems can be solved by other means, but the fact that you liked one sexual partner may not be to the taste of the other. And we must not forget that although the percentage of failed operations and is not great, yet there is a possibility that for the money you get a lot more problems than benefits. However, the desire to be beautiful and to please the opposite sex is natural to humans. Therefore, only he can decide whether or not to go under the surgeon's knife for changes in appearance.