The use of fillers gives not only an excellent anti-aging effect, but could change to some extent, facial features, gives reason to believe that face contour using fillers viable alternative to plastic surgery.
Another huge plus is the contouring speed and simplicity of the procedure and the lack of need for anesthesia, even local, small recovery period and the relative cheapness.
Most drugs used for contouring the face, contains in its composition the main component of hyaluronic acid, which is produced naturally in the human body, and therefore does not cause allergic reactions.
Usually contour plastic used to make the volume of a particular part of the face, such as lips. The main objective of the contour correction is still the decision of aesthetic problems. The therapeutic effect was observed to a lesser extent.
Contour correction can solve problems such as a variety of lines and wrinkles, ugly shape of the lips and other parts of the face, facial asymmetry.
Apart from clearly marked positive effects on the face, contouring procedure can be successfully applied in the upper chest, neck and even the skin knees and hands.
Peaking procedure is generally performed in an outpatient setting. To achieve the desired effect will be enough only one session. Prior to the injection, the skin is cleansed and anesthetized with a special cream. Carrying out the procedure takes about an hour. Thereafter, the patient can go home. In the first few days after contouring need to comply with certain restrictions, such as a swimming pool, sauna. The result of the operation is stored from several months to several years, depending on the formulation used for injection.