How do mesotherapy

How do mesotherapy
 Mesotherapy - non-surgical cosmetic procedure, rejuvenates and revitalizes skin with a special therapeutic cocktail. He introduced by injection into the middle layer of the skin - the mesoderm. Hence the name of this method.  
 Mesotherapy effectively fixes various cosmetic changes in the skin: removes spider veins, age spots, acne, eliminates stretch marks and scars, slows down aging, skin aging, wrinkles, stop hair loss. Also, it is effective in the fight against cellulite.

Mesotherapy session is as follows. Inside the skin in the problem area using a very thin and short needle entered lower dose of medication. Gradually dissolving, drugs have a curative effect. Painless procedure, leaving virtually no trace, its duration depends on the specific problem (from 20 minutes to one hour).

Action administration of the drug lasts from five days to a week, followed by a regular session. In order to improve the face, remove wrinkles, tighten the skin, give it elasticity, requires no more than 10 mesotherapeutic procedures. Anti-cellulite program includes 5-10 sessions, and the fight against hair loss - about 15.

Mesotherapy helps not only with the problems of mature skin. It gives good results in the treatment of adolescent acne: drugs administered under the skin, quickly eliminate inflammation, eliminating the need for antibiotics. Radically treated and rosacea: special medicines strengthen the walls of capillaries, improve blood circulation, thus removing from the face of the vascular net.

That the procedure does not harm the patient, prior to its implementation is carried out an allergy test, sticking to shoulder a little of the drug. If the skin is red, there was an itch - selected by other means. Mesotherapy can be done at any age, but during pregnancy, and the critical days following recent surgical procedures is not necessary to apply it.

Tags: face treatment