Initially, when plastic surgery has become as a separate line in medicine, it was assumed that such operations will be carried out for people who have suffered severe facial injuries. And as for people whose weight is critical and vital dangerous.
But the beauty industry does not stand still, and soon under the plastic surgeries were services such as facelifts, nose shape correction, correction of eye brows. On the one hand there is nothing wrong in correcting what "reward" Mother Nature, on the other hand - the unpredictable reaction of the organism, and unskilled doctors.
Incompetent doctors - one of the biggest problems in this area. In many cases - a maximum of education, it is passed refresher courses ordinary surgeon, but no more. As well as plastic surgery, a young branch of medicine, then the experience of such doctors is not enough. Moreover, no doctor is taken documented give one hundred percent guarantee proper healing and the desired effect. You can do a little facelift, but instead suffer all the facial expressions. Awful and what to fix such problems then unable another surgeon. Lie on the operating table can beauty, and to stand out "freak".
The most popular surgery among women - liposuction. Despite its prevalence and apparent simplicity, can be disabled for life. One wrong move scalpel, and you will damage internal organs. Invalid algorithm, and even before this seductive belly spoil hideous scar.
This easy procedure, as lip augmentation using boteksa also applies to plastic surgery. Sometimes this procedure can significantly spoil the pretty face of woman.
One conclusion, if you decide to go under the surgeon's knife, it is better to spend most of the bag, but to see a doctor with many years of experience, and the clinic showing regular visual positive results.