Striae | Remove Stretch Marks

 Beautiful smooth skin - is the dream of all women. But in order to achieve as a result of skin elasticity, it is necessary to make this large and daily efforts. Take care of your skin needs constant and then these efforts will not be in vain, and to help you achieve the desired results.

Spring Makeup

It is known thatprevent stretch marks much easier than to get rid of scars already appeared. To do this, you must maintain skin elasticity and firmness, which is possible with proper nutrition, regular massage and professional use creams and gels. As a preventive measure is recommended to take a bath with the addition of pine extract, wherein the temperature of the water should be 38. ° C, or, for example, adding 350-500grammov starch, pre-dissolved in 5.2 liters of cold water.

Most often,stretch marks appear in the abdomen, chest, buttocks and thighs. The reason for their appearance can be a rapid weight loss, childbirth or long-term medication.

Streamers - Is damage to the skin due to rupture of the elastic fibers of the epidermis. When prompted, stretch marks are usually skin in these places is purple - red, with time, of course, scars lighten to a pale - pink. Also worth remembering that stretching will be visible on the body is much stronger at sunburn, as they are not affected by it.

Streamers do not apply to diseases and completely harmless to the body, they just give the body is not quite aesthetic appearance.

To avoid them, such as during pregnancy strictly necessary to perform all the doctor's recommendation.

 This period can be on the recommendation of a doctor wearing a bandage that protects the skin and muscles stretch marks.

By the way to care for the breast during pregnancy, it is necessary to rub the chest wet towel, take a contrast shower and nourish the skin after breast with lemon wedges. Furthermore, have good impact air bath.

In Order Toavoid the appearance of stretch marks need to eat right. The diet should be sure to include dairy products, which provide the body with calcium, fish - fluorine, tomatoes and bananas, pears, apricots, raisins, apricots - missing potassium to strengthen the skin, and soy, olive oil, eggs, liver, carrots, apricots, red peppers , rich body needs - vitamins. A and E.

Experts recommend to improve the elasticity of the skin, daily drink at least 2-2, 5 liters of water and do not eat foods that contain preservatives and concentrates, and minimize the use of salt.

The next step is to improve the skin can be considereddomestic procedures. This may be a douche, during which with the help of a jet of water need to massage the problem areas of the skin. You can also use hard sponge with exfoliating cream, then, rub the skin with a towel. Much better effect can massage with aromatic essential oils.

You can make yourselfMassage OilFor example, the following ingredients are mixed apricot kernel oil - 100 of droplets with castor oil in an amount of 60 drops, add 30 drops of jojoba oil and 10 drops of lavender oil.

You can make yourselfcomposition for daily massage. To do this, take a peach or almond oil in an amount of 100 ml, thereto was added 10 drops of rose oil and 10-15 drops of vitamin A and E.

If you find yourselfstretching pink, The domestic procedures aimed at their disposal, there is no longer help. To remove these stretch marks you need to apply to the beauty salon, which offers laser therapy or specialabrasive peeling skin.

You can usesurgical method to remove stretch marksBut it is used in the case of stretching due to pregnancy formed. Yet we should not forget that after the operation, there is also a period of rehabilitation, which is quite painful and time consuming.

One canget rid of stretch marks by microdermabrasion procedure, by which extensions become smaller and eventually disappear altogether.

As you can see,the fight against stretch marks is a pretty difficult job, and you have to decide for yourself how you will deal with them. You can own at home, and you can refer to specialists. The choice of method is up to you.

Tags: Stretching, removal