Silicone implants: the era of prohibition

Silicone implants: the era of prohibition
 Silicone implants appeared in 1960. Then the invention is recognized by the revolution in the world of beauty - a woman could get breast shape and size desired. In this case, recovery was quick and visible signs of surgery remained. And what happens now?

Years passed, and subsequently carried out numerous various studies in which it was found that silicone implants - is not only a huge plus, but also an opportunity to provoke a lot of diseases, including breast cancer and decreased immunity. Manufacturers claimed that the implants are biologically inert, ie, does not cause cancer and other diseases.

When in 1992 the official US government seriously deal with the question of harm implants, it became clear that to prove the harmfulness of the product is not possible. However, the competent authorities still had proposed a ban on the use of silicone implants - they can be used only for breast reconstruction.

But American women did not cease to increase the breast - now they come to the aid of "underground" silicone injections. In 2006, the ban was lifted on the implants.

Yet illegal products continued to spread. After some time, the shell of silicone implants wear out, and the product itself changes form. There were cases and leaking silicone breast. Therefore, at this time of entering the market other varieties of breast implants - titanium implants and polymer gels.

Titanium implants are flexible, soft, almost weightless and give your breast shape. They are more practical, however, is several times more expensive than silicone. As for polymer gels, they are in the same price category with silicone implants, but similar to "modernize" the breast do not look aesthetically pleasing.

At the end is worth to emphasize that, despite his innocence, implants - it's still a foreign body in the human body, which means that they have even an indirect but negative impact on the health and wellbeing of women.

Tags: harm era implant