Proper care of aging skin

Proper care of aging skin
 The first signs of skin aging appear in about 30-35 years. But after the 45 signs of aging already pronounced, the skin becomes dry and sluggish, there are deep wrinkles and slightly blurred contour of the face. To feel more attractive, should ensure the right facial skin care.
 Caring for aging skin should be aimed at improving skin tone and rejuvenation, as well as slowing the aging process. Caring for aging skin should begin with a gentle cleansing. To do this, use the jelly, give up soap and hot water. Do not rinse the remnants of milk, remove it with a dry cloth cosmetic. Avoid contrast cold and hot water, this can lead to the appearance of spider veins. In winter, protect your skin from the cold and wind protective creams.

In any case, do not use tonics and lotions, which include alcohol, it is quite dry the skin. Gently and carefully select cosmetics, especially powder, blush and tonal resources. Preferably, the use of liquid or semi-liquid form, they contain moisturizing ingredients and less dry skin.

Regularly use a nourishing cream (not moisturizing). For aging and aging skin cream is excellent with oily base. It should include retinol, vitamins, vegetable oils (castor oil, olive oil, sea buckthorn, linseed, neroli, shea butter, grapeseed oil or wheat germ), collagen, peptides, allantoin and plant extracts (nettle, aloe, parsley, series, linden, elder, iris). It is also recommended to use the sera that contain bioactive substances.

Do not forget about the regular nourishing mask to be applied once or twice a week. By the way, they can be made at home, using available ingredients. The main ingredients of masks for aging and aging skin: egg yolk, honey, broth parsley, nettle, St. John's wort, aloe juice, sour cream, olive oil and grated cucumber.

Beware of cosmetics, which is made on the basis of the placenta. Since its effectiveness has not been proven, but it is known that this component can cause a severe allergic reaction. To improve the appearance of the skin and its health is important to ensure continued access of oxygen. Excellent helps facial massage, it stimulates local blood circulation. Massage can be carried out independently at home, pre-clean the face and covering it with fat cream. Massage the skin in a circular motion along the massage lines.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, care