Myths and Truths about beauty shots

Myths and Truths about beauty shots
 Virtually anyone, especially the fair sex, I heard something about the so-called "beauty shots". Unfortunately, most often it is "heard anything." Many myths and legends about it today, you can learn from people on TV or read on the Internet.

Injections of beauty - it's just Botox.
In fact, using a plurality of drugs. To get rid of facial wrinkles top of the face using Botox, Dysport. To apply the preparations of nasolabial folds based on hyaluronic acid. Very useful such mesotherapy as biorevitalization (introduction into the deeper layers of the skin unmodified hyaluronic acid). This procedure restores elasticity, skin tone, deeply moisturizes it.

Filling and wrinkle removal distort facial expressions.
Some people really think so, especially this view is common among psychologists who believe that the lack of facial wrinkles do not present smile, fake. However, ask yourself a simple question - is it really seems insincere smile of a child, a fake? But he has no wrinkles.

Botox - a poison, his prick is hazardous to health.
Indeed, botulinum toxin - the strongest poison known to science of organic toxins and substances. However, many drugs that save our lives are poisons. Today drugs Botox is used for the treatment of overactive sphincter muscle and striated muscle, exocrine gland hyperfunction. Getting into the muscle, Botox blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, causing relaxation. Safety of the drug based on its meager amount and accuracy of the introduction of a particular muscle.

Become addicted to "beauty shots".
This myth is based, paradoxically, on the result of these injections. Smooth wrinkles, a man looks beautiful, young. But the action shots is limited, about six months on average. Of course, that does not want to go back to his still aged. Therefore, in most cases, people resort to repeated injections. So it is not physical dependence, but rather a psychic.

Gels which are used to fill wrinkles, can "roam" around the face.
Unfortunately, it's true. This happens when bad injections that contain synthetic fillers with polymer granules. Their movement under the skin causing inflammatory reactions and in such cases it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.

Injections can be carried out only in old age.
Not really. The need for contouring, correction of facial wrinkles occur after 30 years. However, mesotherapy may appoint and 18 years old. For example, biorevitalization helps to restore the skin after peeling wrong, too active Sun, drastic weight loss.

All injections terribly painful.
Most injections do in such minimal amounts that virtually no discomfort. If you want to shot up a large area, apply a special cream that reduces sensitivity. For serious procedures, such as lip augmentation anesthetize modern anesthetics.

Drugs administered for beauty, no residue absorbed and excreted.
Unfortunately, not all. Only natural products really excreted. Synthetic gels remain at the injection site. The truth is they are trying to restrict the use of today as unsafe for human drugs that cause inflammation and sometimes allergies.

Based on the above we can conclude that not so devil as he is painted. The main thing - it fall into the hands of professionals, for whom the Hippocratic Oath is not an empty word and the words "do no harm" still matter. A very careful approach to the clinic, which decided to "restore youth." Place your detailed help, try to interview patients. Dangerous not the "beauty shots" dangerous dropout and crooks that can disfigure you.

Tags: prick, Ambassador, peeling, beauty, truth, injection, myth, botox