Homemade cream for dry and sensitive skin

Homemade cream for dry and sensitive skin
 The abundance of a variety of domestic and imported creams expects women attending store cosmetics. Nourishing, protective, moisturizing and many others. But you can own, using environmentally friendly products, cook cream for dry and sensitive skin.  
 Cream "Ryabinka 'with beeswax

Take 4 sheets of ash, 6 nettle leaves (fresh), a bunch of parsley, rose and jasmine flowers (4 bud), 10 currant leaves and chop them in a blender. Add the resulting mass: melted margarine - 1 tablespoon of wax (beeswax) - 1 teaspoon of olive oil (if not, any vegetable) - 1 tablespoon of vitamin A (oil solution) - 1 teaspoon. All mix thoroughly until smooth.

Cream "Calendula"

Initially cook from marigold flowers extract oil: 1 tablespoon of calendula (dried flowers) pour vegetable oil - 10 tablespoons. Insist in a dark and cool place for about a week, occasionally shaking the bottle.

Melt in a water bath beeswax (2 teaspoons), mix it with oil extract (2 tablespoons), previously prepared from marigold flowers, do not forget to add corn oil (1 tablespoon). While this mass is still warm, add a teaspoon of glycerin. Gently stir to cool.

Cream "Oil"

Melt in a water bath one teaspoon of beeswax, connect it with coconut oil (3 tablespoons), olive (2 tablespoons) and almond (1 tablespoon). Mix thoroughly. Separately, dissolve borax (1/2 teaspoon) in water (3 tablespoons). Stirring the mixture of wax and connect the oil with a solution of borax.

Cream "Sunny"

To make this cream cook: margarine - 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (any) - 3 teaspoons glycerin -1 teaspoon, 2 egg yolks, camphor alcohol - 2 teaspoons of castor oil - 2 teaspoons of honey - 2 teaspoons , camomile tea - 6 tablespoons.

Prepare a tincture: Bay 100 ml of boiling water, dry chamomile (2 tablespoons), allow to stand for about 3 hours. Then strain.

Melt the margarine in a water bath. Mixing it with castor and vegetable oil, add honey, glycerine, egg yolks, camphor and alcohol, camomile tea. Mix thoroughly.

Cream "Lanolin"

1 tablespoon of mother and stepmother (leaves) pour 1/2 cup of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes.

8 plantain leaves (fresh) grind in a blender, press, leaving juice.

Mix 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil with 2 tablespoons of lanolin, warm for 10 minutes the mixture by placing it in a water bath.

Pour into a bowl with lanolin plantain juice (1 tablespoon) and broth mother and stepmother. Stir until a soft smooth.

Whichever recipe you choose, it must be remembered that the cooked cream on it must be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container up to 2 weeks.

Tags: skin, face, homemade, cream, dry