20 questions about Botox

 Injections of Botox know now, probably, almost all. But certainly by no means all the subtleties. Let's try to answer the most popular questions on this topic.  


What is Botox?
What is called Botox - a neurotoxin type A microorganism that produces Clostridium botulinum. This toxin protein nature, which is familiar to many under the name of botulinum toxin.

How does it work?
The skin on the face is directly related to the underlying muscles. Therefore, in mimicry of wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, around the eyes. If the facial muscles are blocked, the skin over them restores elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed. Neurotoxin just blocks the transmission of motor impulses from the nerve to the muscle fiber. After administration of the drug comes pronounced relaxation of facial muscles. Muscle atrophy but is not observed, since their blood supply remains unchanged. Prolonged strenuous facial muscle relaxation on the one hand, leads to the smoothing of skin folds, on the other hand, enables one to get used to control expression.

Why do some beauticians use the term "Botox", and other "disport"?
It's just a different brand names for the same drug. Botox produces the US company Allergan, and Dysport - mark of the French company Beafour- Ipsen- Speywood. The real difference between the two drugs are only in the storage conditions and the number of active units in the vial. Tolerability, efficacy, duration of action, adverse reactions in the presence of both drugs equally. But popularity in Russia is still the term "Botox". Thus any commonly called injection locking muscles, regardless of the manufacturer of the drug.

How long have appeared Botox and where it is most popular?
It was first discovered in the XIX century as a substance that causes botulism. He was later cleared and started successfully applied in medicine, and since 1980 - and in cosmetics. In Russia began using Botox to treat wrinkles in 1994. However, if the United States will soon be hard to find a woman who at least once did botox injections (and most do them all the time), we have a mass popularity this procedure has not yet acquired. The truth is now actively working on the creation of Russia's equivalent of Botox, which can reduce the cost of the procedure and probably increase its popularity. But Muslim women, it seems, will have to abandon this method of fighting wrinkles. The main religious authority of Malaysia, recently took the decision that the faithful unacceptable to do Botox injections because of the fact that some of the materials used in its manufacture, obtained from pork, which is considered unclean in Islam. However, the second reason for the ban is the presence in the Asian market a large number of counterfeit products.

What can be done before the injection of Botox?
The day before the injection should not drink alcohol - it can increase the risk of bruising and hematomas. It is advisable to stop taking antibiotics and antikaogulyantov. In addition, beauticians recommend a day Botox injections do not tilt your head for a long time. If the head is lowered for a long time, the blood circulation in the face will increase, and the drug can be distributed properly. For this reason, it is not recommended, for example, attend a massage, during which the need to lie face down, ironing, vacuuming and mopping the floor (because of the need to keep with the head in a tilted state) and buy shoes (fitting as is usually associated with a constant slope ).

How is the procedure?
Typically, the patient sits in a chair in a half upright position. After skin disinfection subcutaneously or intramuscularly (depending on the site of injection) short fine needle injected drug. On average, the procedure takes 3-5 minutes. After injection for 10-15 minutes on the skin put ice.

How much it hurts?
Correction of facial wrinkles anesthesia is usually not required. Most patients compare the sensation to a mosquito bite. Although if you have a high threshold of sensitivity, you can ask a local anesthetic: applied to the skin with a special cream anesthetic. Immediately after the injections might feel mild discomfort (heaviness in the muscles), but it quickly passes.

That immediately after the procedure can not be done?
It is strictly forbidden to touch the injection site and massage them. Besides a few hours after the injection can not lie, exercise and take antibiotics and analgesics. Within 7 - 10 days after the procedure is recommended to eliminate the use of alcohol and overheating (hot tubs, saunas).

What can and should be done after the injection?
Botox injections are often nazyvat "lunchtime procedure", so immediately after the procedure, you can get behind the wheel and go to work. However, the result of injections you are not disappointed, for 4 hours after the procedure need to be in an upright position during the day and constantly stretch the facial muscles.

How quickly becomes noticeable effect of the procedure?
The first result of the injection becomes noticeable after 5-7 days, when the muscles gradually begin to relax. On average, the maximum therapeutic effect is manifested in the 14-15 day. It has been observed as a very fast action - is 2-3 days, and delayed for 3-4 weeks.

In some cases, Botox is most effective?
With the help of Botox can be removed to eliminate vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows (this is considered the most functions effectively), horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, lower upturned eyebrows slanting eliminate wrinkles on the sides of the nose, on the bridge of the nose (the wrinkles of anger) and "crow's feet" at the outer corner of the eye . But to smooth wrinkles on the eyelids, nasolabial folds smooth, clear vertical lines above and below the lips, smooth vertical and horizontal wrinkles neck with one Botox unrealistic. It requires a comprehensive approach. Furthermore, in some cases, injections into the lower third of the face can cause unpredictable effects (possibly soft tissue prolapse).

Are there any contraindications to the injections?
Contraindication to the administration of Botox is myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness) and other disorders of neuromuscular transmission, hemophilia (bleeding disorder), pregnancy, lactation, antibiotics, aminoglycosides, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and relaniuma baclofen, inflammation of the skin, any common diseases in acute, chronic obstructive lung disease, kidney or liver failure. It is undesirable to carry out the procedure in the first days of the menstrual cycle, as well as people aged with a significant omission of the soft tissues.

Are there people to whom Botox does not work?
Insensitivity to the neurotoxin is very rare. It exists (according to various sources) approximately 0, 1-2% of the people.

At what age can do injections?
In principle, Botox approved for use in cosmetic purposes in age from 18 to 65 years. Acquitted of all injections with 30-33 years, when due to the decrease in skin elasticity begin to manifest intense facial wrinkles. But if at an earlier age you are constantly frowning, then prophylactic it can be done earlier. After the age of 60 to use Botox to be very careful, in any case, you must start with surgical rejuvenation lifting (neurotoxin helps get rid of facial wrinkles, but not able to eliminate excess skin).

Can be "addictive" to Botox?
Yes, but only in a positive sense. If the effect of the drug after the first injection effect lasts 4-6 months, after several years of use, the effect is saved already up to 10-12 months, and in some cases longer. If you stop using Botox effect on the action of the toxin gradually weakened and muscle movements are returning to normal. However, after repeated injections gradually disappears and the habit involuntarily frowning and squinting, which is one reason for the formation of wrinkles.

What side effects are possible?
Possible complications not related to drugs themselves, they can occur when you select the wrong way and the site of injection, inadequate dose or non-compliance with sterility. Over time, they all disappear. Most often referred following side effects at the injection site soreness (frequency of occurrence of 1, 3%), headache (2%), hemorrhage at the injection site (6%), numbness at the site of injection (less than 1%), allergies (less than 1 %), reversible ptosis of the upper eyelid (0, 14%), eyebrow ptosis (less than 1%), diplopia (2%) and edema of the eyelids (0, 14%). Another less common respiratory infection, flu syndrome and nausea. In addition, as a result of excessive (non-professional) administration a person can be "frozen" (like a mask), but within 3-4 months these troubles disappear.

How much are the injections?
Most Popular injection into the brow and in the corners of the eyes are in the Moscow salons average about 6000 rubles., And eliminate facial wrinkles on the forehead will cost about 7000 rubles.

Can creams "effect Botox" match the action with injections?
These relaxing creams that in the last two years there were very many selective, pharmacy, professional, and even mass brands, can reduce the amount of wrinkles, but the depth of penetration into the muscles of the face, creating, for example, wrinkles between the eyebrows, they can not compare with injections.

As with botox can get rid of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)?
Neurotoxin blocks transmission pulse not only the muscles but also to the sweat glands, reducing perspiration. After intradermal injections of Botox cessation of sweating occurs in 2-3 days. The effect persists 6-12 months. Thermoregulation, however, is not broken, and even the use of the preparation improves skin condition she reaches the normal level of moisturization. Since injection into the palm of your hand, armpits or feet quite painful to prick the skin applied anesthetic cream is applied. The cost of treating hyperhidrosis (armpits or palms) is an average of about 30 000 rubles.

At what other diseases using Botox?
The main property of Botox - is the ability to relax the muscles in which it is administered. Therefore, it is effective injection in cases when you need to get rid of muscle spasms and overvoltage. Among the diseases that are treated with botox some forms of headaches and migraines, various forms of dystonia, cerebral palsy, strabismus, consequences of stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and other diseases of the brain and spinal cord, painful muscle spasms in the neck, shoulder waist and back (including posttraumatic and sports), various tics, stuttering, constipation, urinary disorders and prostate adenoma. More recently, it has been found that Botox also speeds up the healing process of damage and prevents the formation of scars.

Tags: Botox