Zagaroopasno why solarium is bad for your skin

Zagaroopasno why solarium is bad for your skin
 Fashion for a tan originated among European beau monde in the early twentieth century. At the time, smooth and golden skin tone undeniably testified that it belongs to the owner of the upper class society can afford to travel to a warmer climate and pleasant stay the whole day at the beach. However, over time, substitute natural sunlight - solarium. Luxury tan became available to the masses. And nowadays, many young women aspire to hold under artificial radiation as much as possible for maximum dark skin. But is it really good?

In the last quarter of the twentieth century, doctors all over the world attended a sharp rise in cancer. This was especially true of malignant disease of the skin - melanoma. Many doctors are directly linked increase in the number of cases with massive abuse of sunbathing and tanning. Excessive doses of ultraviolet radiation received from the sun's rays, causing serious damage to the skin, drying it out and destroying the upper layers of the epidermis. Depletion of the ozone layer also contributes to the safety of a natural tan.

However, regarding the safety of a tan acquired in the solarium, specialists do not have a single solid opinion. Many beauticians believe that tanning helps effectively in the treatment of acne and eczema, well masks small defects of the skin, helps produce the hormone of joy - of serotonin and of vitamin D, which provides mastering of calcium and phosphorus. At the same time there is no doubt that too much tan dries the skin and lead to its premature aging. In addition, it is well known that frequent visits to tanning may enhance the development of cancer, provoke chloasma (dark spots hormonal origin) or exacerbate chronic diseases.

To purchase fake tan does not turn into a disaster, it is necessary to observe a number of rules. First of all - do not abuse the time spent in the tanning bed. Yes, its radiation, in contrast to natural sunlight does not contain the most aggressive C-rays, but it does not mean that it is completely safe. So do not spend more than 10-15 minutes sessions, and for owners of bright, white skin with lots of freckles is quite enough for 5-10 minutes. The same is true for mature women over 30 years. With age, the better to limit the solarium and avoid excessive tanning.

Absolutely can not use the solarium after any cosmetic procedures until the skin is completely restored. And after a chemical peel facial solarium can not look about six months. Not recommended as tanning during exacerbation of any chronic diseases, mastitis, an abundance of moles and during menstruation, because rapid heating of the body can cause heavy bleeding.

If carefully observe all medical prescriptions, do not abuse the large number of sessions and always use protective sunblock, periodic visits to tanning can be a useful and enjoyable event for skin and overall health.

Tags: skin, bath, solarium, tanning, ultraviolet