10 rules for lip care in winter

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 Seductive plump lips like the famous actress Angelina Jolie - is a dream of many women. But if a radical change in the volume of home is not real, then make the lips look healthy it is possible it is only necessary to follow certain rules.
 The skin on your lips is sufficiently sensitive to external influences, so it responds to the low temperatures and wind desquamation. That is why winter lips cracked, and they wrinkle. To like this has happened, you should regularly moisturize lips and not to appear on the street without lipstick.

If for any reason the cosmetics is not used, care for winter lips must include chapstick or balm that will protect the skin.

In winter, it is advisable not to use dry lipstick because it can not create a proper barrier between the skin and the environment. Fatter than lipstick or gloss, the more comfortable they feel lips.

Restrictions on color when choosing the means to care for lips does not exist. Winter is not an obstacle to ensuring that painted brightly. The main requirement applies only to the compatibility of the selected tone and tsvetotipa own.

Lips clean of makeup you need no less carefully than other parts of the face. You can use any makeup remover or ordinary vegetable oil.

After removing makeup, you can pamper lips a light massage. This can be done during evening hygiene procedures, passing on them gently toothbrush. These movements allow to activate blood circulation and make your lips more vivid.

At the end of the massage is applied to the lips greasy nourishing cream that restores the skin.

Over the years, the elasticity of the skin decreases. In order to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, lip care should include gym. The most simple exercise that causes muscles to work, take a few minutes a day. To do this, take a pencil in his mouth and try mouthed write it in the air letters of the alphabet.

To lips were flat and smooth, regardless of the time of year, skin care, it is desirable to supplement lip masks. The easiest way - applying to the skin is a thin layer of honey. It perfectly restores damaged skin. The mask must be maintained for at least 10 minutes, after which it can be washed away or simply licking the lips.

A day later, it is necessary to lubricate lips with vegetable oil, which will not only moisturize, but also nourish the skin.

Tags: skin, lip care