Why do women skin ages faster than men

Why do women skin ages faster than men
 Women's skin ages much faster than men - the conclusion made by German scientists developed a new method of research fibers of the skin of both sexes. What are the causes and what is the reason, if it is generally believed that women devote skincare significantly longer than men?
 For youth and elasticity of the skin collagen and elastin are responsible. With age, the amount of these materials is significantly reduced. Collagen is mainly composed of amino acids, is the basis of connective tissue, is present in tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, nails, hair and skin.

Elastin refers to a protein, which functional properties similar to collagen. This material provides the skin elasticity and firmness, which helps maintain the oval of the face and neck.

After 25 years in men and women to develop their own collagen and elastin decreases each year, with women it is much faster than that of men. Face and neck loses its elasticity and clear outlines, much skin becomes thin, dry, covered with wrinkles.

Ultraviolet radiation, smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, accommodation in areas with poor environment - all very negative effect on the skin. The internal aging increases.

Men leather has a great number of sebaceous and sweat glands, which promotes natural lubrication of the skin. In addition, testosterone helps allocate excessive amounts of sebum, the skin of men therefore protected from adverse external influences significantly better than in women.

Not less than the actual cause of rapid aging of the skin of the beautiful half of humanity - a systematic observance of low-calorie diets in which women try to keep a good shape and ideal weight. Insufficient intake of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals leads to accelerated reduction of collagen and elastin, which in turn leads to an intense aging of the skin.

Men follow a low calorie diet, in exceptional cases, are adherents of abundant food rich in proteins, carbohydrates. This helps them to maintain youthful skin for a longer period of time.

Tags: leather, man, woman